Master classes were held with specialists from the psychological, medical and pedagogical council of Arkalyk

Master classes were held with specialists from the psychological, medical and pedagogical council of Arkalyk

Students of the educational program “Pedagogy and Psychology” of Altynsarin Institute met with specialists from the PMPK institution in the city of Arkalyk and held a round table.

The purpose of the master classes is to master the performance of the human mind, familiarize yourself with the services of the institution, the characteristics of the recipients’ services, and diagnostic work.
The head of the PMPK A.O. Izdybaeva made a report to the teaching staff and students of the Faculty of Pedagogy and Philology and focused on the analysis and integration of applied aspects of psychological science and practice related to human self-efficacy in the world.

During the meeting, graduates of the educational program “Pedagogy and Psychology”, currently working at the PMPK institution, speech therapist Sharginova M.N. and psychologist Kuanysh B., spoke about the ability to use modern technologies of applied psychology in various areas of life.

Art-therapeutic, role-playing situations (Moreno's psychodrama), developed by students of group PP-41 under the guidance of senior teacher G.B. Musirova, were also shown and intensively analyzed. Head of the educational program “Pedagogy and Psychology” Karataeva T.O. and senior teacher Tauekelova A.E. expressed gratitude to the round table participants for the event held to shape the direction of corporate culture and psychological cooperation.
In conclusion, the dean of the faculty of pedagogy and philology, candidate of philological sciences, A.K. Kaliev presented certificates to the participants.


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