Educational program history: science and methodology
As part of the educational program “History” of the Faculty of History and Arts, scientific seminars were held during the week, where scientific and expert points of view intersected.
During the event, the dynamics and methodology of the development of history were widely discussed, and seminars were held on the topics “Organization and management of scientific research” and “New history in the new world: modern teaching technologies.”
Nigde University scientists Omer Halisdemir from Turkey Hikmet Korash presented a report on “Methods of teaching Turkish studies in Turkey,” Doctor of Historical Sciences Mehmet Ekiz elaborated on “Methods of teaching history in Turkey.” The teaching staff of the institute and school teachers took part in the seminar, where the pedagogical experience of foreign scientists was presented.
With a welcoming speech, the seminar “Organization and management of scientific research work” was opened by the senior teacher of the educational program “History” Eleusov Baubek Aimakhanuly.
In his speech, he noted that this seminar is organized with the participation of foreign scientists and this cooperation will provide an opportunity to gain extensive international experience for the university’s researchers. Teacher-researcher Roza Karbozovna Moldakhmetova presented cases on the organization of research work, and senior teacher Oteuli M.S. made a presentation on the topic “Development of science in the Republic of Kazakhstan.”
The second seminar on the topic “New history in the new world: modern educational technologies” was attended by teachers from rural schools in the region and the city of Arkalyk.
Thus, teacher-researcher of secondary school No. 5 named after M. Auezov Alimgazina K.Sh. made a report on the topic “The effectiveness of using active learning methods in teaching history as part of updated educational content.”
History teacher of secondary school No. 5 Keiki Batyr Bekentaev S.Zh. in his report on the topic “Formation of creative potential and historical consciousness among students using digital technologies in a history lesson,” he presented the types of modern digital technologies.
G.S. Nurgazina, Master of Pedagogical Sciences, teacher at Torgai Humanitarian College named after N. Kulzhanova, shared her personal methods on the topic “Features of teaching history in the vocational education system.”
The seminar took place in the mode of active discussion; discussion of the presented reports made it possible to identify various aspects of the problem field defined by the topic.
In the final part of the event, the Dean of the Faculty of History and Art Konkina G.S. thanked all participants and guests of the seminar and presented certificates.