Mathematician-scientist and mysterious numbers
“The world is represented by the language of mathematics” - these are the words of the Italian Galileo Galilei, the founder of mathematical science. Indeed, mathematics, considered the "king of sciences", is the object of study of intellectuals.
Today, Alibek Eskermesuly, a scientist at the Arkalyk Pedagogical Institute named after I. Altynsarin, is actively involved in this particular area of science. He works as the dean of the Faculty of Natural Science and Information Technology at the educational institution and lectures to students in the mathematics educational program.
Doctor of Philosophy PhD shares his experience not only with domestic, but also with foreign colleagues.
He also completed an internship at Ghent University, located in Flanders, the Belgian state, the cultural and economic heart of Europe, as part of the international Bolashak program in 2022. First of all, at the Center for Analysis and PDE, together with Professor M. Ruzhansky, they conducted scientific research on the topic “wave equations for the Sturm-Liouville operator with singular coefficients.”
The fundamental search for the scientist did not stop there, but continued in 2023, when the Belgian professor Michael Ruzhansky was re-invited for the second time.
It is worth noting that Alibek Eskermesuly’s research articles are published in ranking international publications Q1-Q2. They even, together with the Algerian scientist Muhammad Sebi, continue their work on the wave and heat equations aimed at describing various phenomena in nature.
According to the scientist, autonomous derivative differential equations are not only focused on phenomena in nature, but are also recognized as an abstract phenomenon, far ahead of the information technology society.
From this we can conclude that the search for solutions to equations aimed at describing natural phenomena is a fundamental research that has attracted the attention of the whole world.