A meeting was held on mandatory training for young specialists

A meeting was held on mandatory training for young specialists

In what cases is a graduate exempt from repaying the state grant? How much time is given to a graduate to find a job?

Graduates of the Arkalyk Pedagogical Institute named after I. Altynsarin learned the answers to these and other questions at an online meeting with a representative of Financial Center JSC Akzira Serikkali.
According to the specialist, in the country, graduates who received education at the expense of budget funds, on the basis of a general education grant and a rural quota, must repay the grant within 3 years; graduates who studied under the social program “Serpin 2050” undertake to work out the grant in 8 regions for 2 years.
Only a few categories are exempt from this responsibility:
- persons living in a populated area who do not have available jobs;
- Disabled people of groups I and II;
- those enrolled in master's programs on the basis of a state educational order;
- pregnant women;
- persons who have a child (children) under the age of 3 years and are raising them independently.

Get additional information about compulsory training of young specialists


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