Discussed issues of organization of pedagogical practice

Discussed issues of organization of pedagogical practice

At Altynsarin Institute, a round table "Issues of Organization of Pedagogical Practice" was held to discuss the progress of professional practice in accordance with the curriculum for the 2023-2024 academic year. The event was attended by heads of educational institutions, subordinate departments of education in the city of Arkalyka, deputy dean of academic work, practical instructors.

The introductory speech of the round table was given to the member of the Board of ArkPI named after I. Altynsarin, Vice-Rector for Academic Affairs Zhanna Azatovna Zhusupova. During the event, representatives of educational institutions discussed such issues as the study, generalization and dissemination of advanced pedagogical experience, students' mastery of innovations and creative activity, pedagogic cooperation between the university and the school.
In particular, the deputy director of the school-gymnasium named after A. Kunanbaev Bapakova Saltanat Myrzakhmetovna, director of general education school No. 5 named after M. Auezov Bayshev Madi Asylkhanovich, deputy director of educational work of general education school No. 1 named after Sh. Ualikhanov Bikenova Shinar Khamitovna, i. o. Nauryzbaeva Gulnur Urazgalievna, the manager of the "Raushan" nursery school, expressed her views on the above topics.

At the same time, Abdullina Ardak Amirkhanovna, head of practice of the Institute, senior teacher of OP "Kazakh language and literature" and Ospanbekova Meirgul Nesipbekovna, head of EP "Pedagogy and methods of elementary education", expressed their suggestions and wishes to professional practice institutions.

According to the results of the round table, as a result of fierce disputes, new plans were proposed, and the mechanism of progress of work in this direction was considered.


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