Altynsarin Institute students became the best athletes in the city of Arkalyk

Altynsarin Institute students became the best athletes in the city of Arkalyk

The Zhas Ulan children's and youth center hosted an award ceremony for the best representatives of the sports sector in the city of Arkalyk based on the results of 2023.

Among the athletes and coaches who received awards for high achievements and contributions to the field of sports were students and teachers of Altynsarin Institute.
In particular, the men's volleyball team at the institute received the nomination “Best Team - 2023” for its high achievements at the championship and Cup of the Kostanay region.
Senior teacher of the educational program “Physical Culture and Sports” K.B. Konysbaev received the nomination “Best Trainer - 2023” for special services in the field of sports and training of the winners of the competition.

It should be noted that in the recently held student sports league, the institute’s volleyball team was recognized as the best team in the North-Central Division and won 1st place.
Akim of the city Asanov Amirkhan Birkenovich in his first welcoming speech expressed gratitude to the athletes and noted that sport plays an important role in improving the status of the city.
Also at the ceremony, coaches and athletes took part in the nominations “Best athlete of the city of Arkalyk - 2023”, “Best athlete” among athletes with disabilities, “Best team” in team sports, “Best coach of the city of Arkalyk - 2023”, “Best organization - executor of the sports order”, “Best physical education teacher”, “Best physical education teacher”, “Best sports methodologist”, “Best sports instructor”, “For contribution to the development of physical culture and sports”.

The event, organized by the heads of all executive institutions of the city of Arkalyk, was attended by the Chairman of the Board - Rector of the ArkPI named after I. Altynsarin Erzhan Amirbekuly, who shared the achievements of the institute’s athletes.


Address: 110300, Auelbekova str.17, Arkalyk
Tel: 8-71430-7-24-88
Selection committee: 8-71430-7-11-57
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