"Coursera": a new learning model

"Coursera": a new learning model

The opportunity to gain knowledge across the entire spectrum of theoretical and applied disciplines is provided by the free online learning platform “Coursera”.

Even today, within the framework of the “Coursera in the Kazakh language” project, the process of mass translation of courses by world professors into the Kazakh language is underway.
If previously training on this platform was carried out on a paid basis and in English, now free training in the Kazakh language is provided.
In March of the last academic year, 500 Altynsarin Institute students were trained on the Coursera platform and received professional certificates.
In the 2023-2024 academic year, the next stream of students will be trained in the following open courses:
- “Fundamentals of graphic design”;
- “We work with our minds, not our wrists”;
- “Time management for professional and personal productivity”;
- “Intelligent tools of the digital era”;
- “Inspiring leadership through emotional intelligence”;
- “Transformation of the conflict”;
- “Intelligence Tools for the Digital Age”;
- “Creative Toolkit II: Creative Collaboration”;
- “Statistical inference and application of hypothesis testing in data science.”
Let us note that in the global labor market, obtaining additional professional education helps to increase an individual’s competence.
Also, the skills acquired during Coursera lectures increase the likelihood of students being employed.


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