A delegation from the Department of Social Development of the Turkestan Region visited Altynsarin Institute

A delegation from the Department of Social Development of the Turkestan Region visited Altynsarin Institute

On February 2, 2024, the delegation of the “Youth Resource Center” of the Public Development Department of the Turkestan Region visited Altynsarin Institute.

The purpose of the event was to meet with students of the Turkestan region who entered the Arkalyk Pedagogical Institute named after I. Altynsarin under the state program “Serpin - 2050 mangilik ate zhastary - industry”.

The delegation, led by the deputy head of the Turkestan regional department of social development “Youth Resource Center” Perdebek Serzhanuly, included resource center leaders, school directors and youth affairs experts. At the meeting they got acquainted with the life of the educational institution. In particular, we visited the I. Altynsarin Scientific and Pedagogical Museum and the Natural History Science Museum, a student dormitory, and visited the Mobile Planetarium, lecture halls and named auditoriums.
Most importantly, they met and exchanged views with 1st-4th year students studying under the Serpin program. The meeting was held in the format of a free conversation, touching on the topics of student placement, academic performance, teaching qualifications and plans for the future.

Rector Yerzhan Amirbekuly received the guests and spoke about the educational process and the history of the Torgai field. In his speech, he said: “We are glad to see you at the Arkalyk Pedagogical Institute named after I. Altynsarin. The land of Torgai is considered the center of science and education. Our educational institution, imbued with the spirit of the people's teacher A. Baitursynov and the activist M. Dulatuly, trains specialists in teacher education programs. We have high hopes that the youth of today will become the best teachers of the next generation,” he said.
It should be noted that the state program “Serpin - 2050” “Mangilik ate zhastary – industry” has been in effect in Kazakhstan since 2014. The goal of the program is to train and employ youth from the southern region of the country with an excess of labor resources in the east, north and west of Kazakhstan - in regions experiencing a shortage of personnel.


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