The first extended meeting of the Academic Council of the II semester took place

The first extended meeting of the Academic Council of the II semester took place

The first extended meeting of the Academic Council of 2024 was held at Altynsarin Institute.

The following issues were considered on the agenda:
• “On approval of the research plan for 2024” – report by the head of the Research Center Zh. Baiseitova;
• “On the level of participation in science, participation in funded projects” - report by the dean of the Faculty of Natural Sciences and Informatization Eskermesuly A.
• “On the nomination of students studying on a contractual basis for vacant state grants” - report by the head of the registration department L.S. Shaimenova.
• “Report on the work done by the administrative and economic department for the 2023 calendar year” - report by the head of the administrative and economic department, Zharkimbaev B.Zh.

At the meeting, the teaching staff and all employees of the structural divisions of the ArkPI named after I. Altynsarin carefully studied the topics under consideration and witnessed some changes and results.

In addition, during the meeting of the Academic Council, a number of teaching staff and employees were awarded. In particular, the award “Bilim take іsіnіүuzdigi”, presented by the Ministry of Science and Higher Education of the Republic of Kazakhstan, was received by the dean of the Faculty of Natural Science and Informatization A. Eskermesuly, the head of the center for social issues and youth policy Z.N. Batyrova and a specialist were awarded the Certificate of Honor of Minister Sayasat Nurbek “Administrative and economic department” Yu.Yu. Dorontsov.
The rector of the institute, E.Amirbekuly, presented a monetary reward and a certificate to a group of teachers: A. Eskermesuly, A.K. Kaliev, B.A. Rakhmetova, A.E. Duisebekova, Z.T. Galymzhanova, Z.Sh. Koldasbaeva, K.M. Shakirova for publication in rating (peer-reviewed) scientific journals.

It should be noted that at the end of the extended meeting of the Academic Council, 5 teams formed from the Altynsarin Institute team, which prepared unique performances at the New Year’s corporate party, were awarded.

As a result of the meeting, decisions were made on a number of pressing issues and a strategic plan for the upcoming six months was drawn up.



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