Organization of scientific activities

The research work carried out in the departments of the institute according to the Laws of the Republic of Kazakhstan "About  Science", " About Education", SES RK 5.03.011 - 2006 "The educational system of Kazakhstan. The research work in universities. General Provisions ", other regulatory and guidance of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

The annual thematic plan of research work approved by the Academic council of institute is annually developed. The basis of selection policy directions of research work of the Institute laid   timeless  values  of  theoretical scientific and educational enrichment of the faculty and students.

The measures undertaken by the guide of institute on development of scientific research work are directed on performance of tasks of integration of ArkSPI into world educational and scientific community. The program of development of research activity of institute for  2013-2018 is developed.

Research departments of the institute include the organization of the department of international relations and research work (3 pers.), Museum of the History of Education (2 pers.), Psychology and Education complex.

The material and technical base of the Institute enables teaching and research work. For example, for the specialty "Chemistry" there are  3 specialized laboratories with the methodological guidelines for laboratory work, appropriate training and methodological complexes, chemical glassware and instruments, as well as the necessary educational furniture, office equipment: Laboratory "Analytical, Physical and Colloid Chemistry", laboratory "General, inorganic chemistry and chemical technology" laboratory "Organic and Biological chemistry".  Besides , the institute has specialized training laboratories "Botany", "Zoology", "Anatomy and physiology of humans and animals", electronics and astronomy, mechanics, molecular physics and electromagnetism, optics and atomic physics.

The research work of the university is based on a combination of the cathedral and individual approaches to identify areas of research. Selection policy areas of applied research is based on the principles of the primacy of practice-oriented educational research.

A number of chairs is conducted by the all-cathedral researches which choice of the directions depends on specifics of chair – the list of disciplines and human resources – the availability of scientists who can lead such research projects.

The theoretical and practical research results are being actively implemented in the educational process:

  1) by use in the teaching of basic and elective courses and the development of teaching materials;

  2) through the development and publication of scientific and educational literature.

Thus, in 2008-2013,. the Institute developed and published 90 scientific and educational publications, including one textbook stamped MES (Kaliev AK, "Kazakh  literature" textbook for grade 10 public secondary schools in humanities, in 2010, 17.5 and 7 monographs.

The structures of publications issued occupy tutorials developed by the faculty of the Institute for the urgent and priority areas of the national education system, bearing the theoretical and practical significance and performed within the overall goals and objectives of the research institute and established SES.

Identified through the state certification of the positive dynamics of the university of applied research, publication of scientific and educational literature suggests that the impact of the research work at the institute each year increases. The quality of the results is confirmed by external reviews of opponents, as which are the leading scientists of Kazakhstan.

The largest share in the publication of scientific literature, 2008-2013 are the Department of Education and Psychology, Mathematics and Physics, Kazakh, Russian Languages ​​and Literatures, Department of Practical  Course of Kazakh, Russian and foreign languages.

Also, as an indicator of the effectiveness of research can be considered part of the Institute faculty in various conferences, symposia, festivals and other events of international, national and regional importance, the publication in which the material is presented as a validation of scientific research and, in some ways, their introduction. Analyzing the above activity faculty of the Institute, we can note the changes in the direction of increasing the number of scientific articles and publications on applied research. The largest increase value of this indicator is marked in 2012. 25 scientific articles published in the Institute of PPC foreign sources (Mongolia, China, Bulgaria, Russia, Uzbekistan, France, USA, England).

Recently the tendency of revival of research function of institute is traced.

During the 2012-2013 academic  year, teachers and staff of the institute took quite an active part in scientific conferences and seminars. 104 employees of the Institute participated in 51 scientific conferences, seminars, exhibitions, including 29 international, 19 national and 3 regional.

Picture.   Number of scientific actions.    ( Рис. Количество научных мероприятий.)

During the 2012-2013 academic year, the departments of the Institute conducted 45 scientific conferences, seminars, round tables and competitions of scientific publications:

- "Ybyray taғylymy" scientific seminar (October, 2012 Department of the Kazakh and Russian languages ​​and literature)

- "Modern methods and technologies  in  the study of mathematics and physics" scientific - methodical seminar (October, 2012 Department of Mathematics and Physics)

- "Scientifically - research work of formation of pupils as individual person" a scientific and practical seminar (October, 2012 Department of Mathematics and Physics)

- "Profession: Today and Tomorrow" Roundtable (October, 2012 the Department of Physical Culture and Sports)

- "Didactic possibilities of multimedia technologies" scientific seminar (November, 2012 Department of Informatics)

- "The First  Kazakh woman  journalist- educator " (November, 2012 Department  of pedagogics and technique of elementary and preschool education)

- "Formation of an  ecological culture of elementary school pupils" (November, 2012 Department of Pedagogy and methods of primary and pre-school education)

- "Formation of reinforcing scientific knowledge in the preparation of the new formation of teachers' scientific seminar (December, 2012 Department of Mathematics and Physics)

- " The  role of affixes of  word formation in Mukanov’s compositions 'Roundtable (December, 2012 Department of the Kazakh and Russian languages ​​and literature)

- " The directions of  modern  scientifically - research work " Science seminar (October, 2012 Department of Chemistry, Biology and Geography)

- " Active methods in studying of biology, chemistry and geography " scientific - methodical seminar (December 2012, Department of Chemistry, Biology and Geography)

- "Problems of the organization of creative work in vocational training of the musician-teacher" scientific seminar (2012 Department of Music and Performing Arts)

- "Bologna Process and the state educational standards of the higher professional education of new generation" scientifically –  practical seminar (December, 2012 Department of the practical course of Kazakh, Russian and foreign languages)

- "Teaching tolerance in the creative activity of the future professionals"  scientific  seminar (January 2013 Department of Music and Performing Arts)


- "The place and role of physical education in developing healthy lifestyles and creativity of students" scientific seminar (February 2013 the Department of Physical Culture and Sports)

- "Moral education of future teachers on the basis of moral and ethnic traditions" Research Seminar (February 2013 Department of Education and Psychology)

- "The educational value of wise thoughts of Abay" round table (February, 2013 Department of Pedagogy and methods of primary and pre-school education)

- "Lesson of Independence: Kazakh literature and the modern world" cathedral Conference (February, 2013 Department of the Kazakh and Russian languages ​​and literature)

- "Art style of the story of Mukhtar Auezov "Time of Troubles"" round table (February, 2013 Department of the Kazakh and Russian languages ​​and literature)

- "Problems of teaching competence, multilingualism, tolerance in the preparation of future teachers in higher educational institutions" round table (March, 2013 Department of Education and Psychology)

- "Teachers and conflict mediation" Research Seminar (March, 2013 Dept. of history, law and social sciences)

- "Education abroad “international program  Roundtable (March, 2013, the Department of the practical course of Kazakh, Russian and foreign languages)

- "Formation of information technological  literacy of students" Research Seminar (March, 2013 Department of Informatics)

- " Aitys in Turgay region" (March, 2013 Department of the Kazakh and Russian languages ​​and literature)

- "What does it mean to be a good specialist" scientific - methodical seminar (March, 2013 Department of Mathematics and Physics)

- "Ways of improving the methods of teaching physics" scientific - methodical seminar (March, 2013 Department of Mathematics and Physics)

- "Organization of the school scientific project" city seminar - training (March, 2013 Department of Chemistry, Biology and Geography)

- "The key role of the scientific potential of the youth in the implementation of a new strategic course" Kazakhstan - 2050 "" intercollegiate competition of student research works  in the framework of the festival "Student Spring - 2013" (April, 2013)

- "Science Day - 2013" in ArkSPI (April, 2013)

- ""The modern directions of improvement of quality of training and education in subject "Physical culture" teaching”  urban Scientific Conference (April, 2013 the Department of Physical Culture and Sports)

- "Innovative methods of the organization of educational work in preschool institutions" scientific - methodical seminar (April 2013 Department of Pedagogy and methods of primary and pre-school education)

- "Programming languages" Research Seminar (April 2013 Informatics)

- "Artistry  of S. Dosanov's work" round table (April, 2013 Department of the Kazakh and Russian languages ​​and literature)

- "Innovations in the practice of the teacher to understand stable  development" city seminar - training (April, 2013 Department of Chemistry, Biology and Geography)

- "Tulegenov reading - 2013", "Innovative educational system development in Kazakhstan" republican scientific-practical conference (April 2013)

- "The place of education in the formation of human capital in the era of globalization," Research Seminar (May, 2013 Department of the practical course of Kazakh, Russian and foreign languages)

- "Days of Science" at the department of history, law and social sciences (May, 2013)

- "The value of the study of history Turgay region in the context of an innovative course "Local History" in the framework of the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan "Social Modernization: 20 Steps to a society of universal labor""round table (May, 2013, department of history, law and social sciences)

- "Use of opportunities of computer graphics in educational process" Science seminar (May, 2013, Department of Informatics)

- "Organizing and conducting sport events" round table (May, 2013, the Department of Physical Education and Sport)

- "Initiatives of teachers in the interdisciplinary approach to aspects of sustainable development" urban training seminar (May, 2013, Department of Chemistry, Biology and Geography), etc.

Within research activity of institute in 2012-2013 academic year some scientific and practical conferences of the international, republican and regional value with release of thematic collections of materials are held:

· "Altynsarin reading-2012", "Education - a factor of qualitative growth of the human capital of Kazakhstan" Republican Scientific-Practical Conference (October, 2012, pp 50,02);

· "Socially – pedagogical and psychological support of exceptional children in system of continuous education" international scientifically – practical conference (February, 2013, 74,25 items of l. ) ;

· "Tulegenov reading - 2013", "Innovative educational system development in Kazakhstan" Republican Scientific and Practical Conference (April, 2013, pp 21,23);

· "A key role of scientific potential of youth in realization of the new strategic course "Kazakhstan — 2050"" interuniversity competition of student's scientific works within the Student's Spring — 2013 festival (April, 2013, 30,57 items of l. )


· " Baitursynov’s contribution in the field of education and science " republican scientific and practical conference (May, 2013, 19,37 items of l. ) .

The mechanism of an assessment of efficiency of research work of institute represents system of the annual reporting of structural units on research work where productivity is estimated by quantitative indices: to number of publications, participation in conferences, SRW introduction in educational process. etc. Besides, higher education institution administration degree of satisfaction of students and PPC an involvement to scientific research work periodically comes to light.

So,on  February 12, 2013 the Department of the organization of scientific work and international relations was  surveyed "Involvement of teachers to research at  Arkalyk State Pedagogical Institute named after Altynsarin.  Participated in the survey 133 respondents from 10 departments of the institute, including 100 women and 33 men aged between 22 and 65 years old. His attitude toward research as an integral part of  institute teachers expressed a positive 94 (70.6%), as indifferent 4 (3%), engaged in science only at the request of the administration of 21 (15.7%) were undecided 14 (10.5 %) of the respondents. If possible, choose a teacher of professional features, the need to conduct research would choose the 83 (62.4%) would not have chosen 4 (3%) were undecided 42 (31.5%).

Their level of research competence in the following groups of skills in the field of research participants rated as follows :

   1) The ability to identify the actual problem in your field of science, select the search direction , put the valid goals and objectives

  - High - 60 ( 45%), average - 60 ( 45%), low - 6 ( 4.5%).

   2) Ability to carry out an information search , navigate the information space on the issue (including in electronic databases , the Internet , etc.), the identified critical process information

  - High - 59 ( 44%), average -63 ( 47%), low - 4 (3 %).

   3) Ability to develop a program of study. Knowledge of methods and techniques of scientific research ( general and specific ) , including the methods of mathematical statistics :

   - High - 30 (22.5 %) , medium -71 ( 53.3 %) , low - 23 ( 17.2 %).

   4) Ability to organize and conduct a pilot study to process the data , identify trends

  - High - 29 ( 21.8 %) , average -72 ( 54%), low - 21 ( 15.7%).

   5 ) The ability to make findings in accordance with the requirements for the content and style of scientific publications

 ArkSPI core unit in charge of scientific research work - the department of scientific research and international relations ) - satisfied 84 ( 63% ) of the participants , the work is not planned and systematic believe 20 (15% ) of the participants , the work unit does not meet the 7 ( 5.2%), information work is weak consider 12 (9 % ) of the participants found it difficult to answer 10 people ( 7.5%).  - High -54 ( 40.6 %) , average -62 ( 46.6 %) , low - 8 (6 %).

As a whole, research activity of institute is rather productive.  Teacher of higher education institution  Masalimova B. K.  on the research problem holds 2 patents for a way of receiving acetone and a way of preparation of the catalyst for receiving synthesis gas, the teacher of higher education institution A.U.Umbetov  is the owner of a rank "The best teacher of a  year - 2012", the young teacher of institute Seydina  M.Z became the prize-winner of the republican competition "The Best Teacher of the XXI Century".

   Students of institute also enough productively take part and on the republican subject Olympic Games: 2011 - two prize-winning places on the specialties "Fine Arts", "Preschool Training and Education"; 2012 - three prize-winning places on the specialties "Fine Arts", "Preschool Training and Education", "Chemistry"; 2013 – two prize-winning places on the specialties "Fine Arts", "History".






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