Organization of scientific activities for 2017-2018

Research work at the departments of the Institute was carried out in 2017 according to the annual thematic plan of research work (approved from 25.01.2017).
Evaluation of the effectiveness of research in the reporting period at the Institute was carried out through the annual report of departments and faculties on quantitative indicators: the number of publications, participation in conferences, the introduction of research in the learning process, etc., as well as internal audit of the organization of research.
During the reporting period, 2 monographs, 75 teaching AIDS, recommendations and electronic publications, 610 scientific articles were published.
In the reporting period, published 2 planned monograph - K. f.N., associate Professor A. E. Disbecome.
Analysis of the effectiveness of the organization of research activities of the Institute for 2017 indicates an increase in the number of publications in foreign journals and journals included in the international scientometric database (with a non-zero impact factor).
The inertia of teachers in terms of publication activity in foreign publications has been overcome.
Publications in journals indexed by international scientometric databases SCOPUS, THOMSONREUTERS became breakthrough for the Institute.
In 2017, the teaching staff published 11 papers in journals indexed by scientometric databases with a non-zero impact factor.
During 2017, the Institute organized a test access to the largest scientometric databases SCOPUS and Web of Science.
As part of the strategic development plan of the Institute in 2017, more than 50 events were held, including the most significant and relevant ones:
The results and results of the activities are reflected in the published collections of materials. All planned activities were carried out in a timely manner, information was provided to the MES. It should be noted that during the reporting period, the dynamics of the organization of intra-University scientific and scientific-pedagogical activities. And not only in quantitative but also in qualitative terms.
As the effectiveness of research can also be considered the participation of faculty of the Institute and testing of research in conferences, symposia, festivals and other similar events of international, national and regional significance. Teachers of the Institute are actively involved in various non-University conferences and scientific events. So, in 2017, teachers of departments took part in 17 thematic international and national scientific and practical seminars, so, teachers of departments took part in conferences of Universities of the Republic and abroad.
In 2017, 2 people went to Portugal for a foreign internship, 54 people participated in training courses organized on the basis of institutions of Kazakhstan.
Research work of students is the most important factor in the research activities of the Institute, which plays a leading role in the formation of a developing personality, capable of self-realization.
During the reporting year, more than 40 student events were held, covering more than 1,000 students, which is 60% of the student body of the Institute. Their results are reported at the annual conferences of students ' scientific works, published in local and national publications. So, in scientific journals and collections of scientific works on the results of scientific conferences published 361 articles prepared by students individually and together with teachers.

International activity

International cooperation is one of the priorities of the Arkalyk state pedagogical Institute.I. Altynsarin.
In the 2017 academic year, the work aimed at the internationalization and integration of the Institute's activities into the international educational and scientific space in accordance with the criteria set by the Ministry of education and science of the Republic of Kazakhstan was continued.
Within the framework of the agreements, there is a mutual exchange of information of interest to the University and partners, in particular, the exchange of research information and relevant research achievements, scientific and periodic materials, the development of joint educational programs, the organization of scientific seminars, conferences, internships, academic mobility of students.
Involvement of foreign experts in the top management of higher education institutions of the Republic of Kazakhstan in accordance with the order of the Minister of education and science of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated July 14, 2017 № 334.
Arkalyk state pedagogical Institute invited as the Dean of the faculty of additional education PhD Eva Smetanova University of Trnava Kirill Mefodiya (Slovakia).
In 2017, the Institute collaborated with foreign top Manager Dr. PhD Eva Smetanova.
Within the framework of international cooperation, work was carried out on the program of academic mobility of students in the universities of Slovakia (national University of Y. Komensky, University of St. Cyril and Methodius in Trnava).
In the framework of the agreement on academic mobility of students between Arkgpi im.I. Altynsarin and the University of St. Cyril and Methodius (Trnava, Slovakia) in the first semester of the 2016-2017 school year at the University of St. Cyril and Methodius in Trnava has taught 2 students of 5B011900 – "Foreign language: two foreign languages" Bikkal H., Sultansazligi A. and student of the specialty 5B011600 Geography moldahmetova A.
Faculty and staff Arkgpi take an active part in joint research works with faculty and staff from the partner Universities. The result of such cooperation is publications abroad.
The work on internationalization of educational programs of the Institute is carried out. The curricula of bachelor programs of 19 specialties are translated into English. In 2017, within the framework of the implementation of multilingual education in educational programs of specialties 5B010300 – "Pedagogy and psychology", 5B011000 – "physics", 5B011400 – "History", 5B011500 – "Fundamentals of law and Economics", 5B011100 – "Informatics", as well as the discipline of the mandatory component of General disciplines, courses were conducted in English, which in turn required the development of appropriate educational and methodological support in English
As a result of the work, our University for the first time became a member of three international rankings: Webometrics Ranking of World Universities (Spain), Academic Ranking of World Universities-European Standard (Belgium) and UniRank (Australia).
At the end of 2017 in the international ranking of Webometrics Ranking of World Universities (Spain) our University took 14037 position out of 26363 positions. In the country context, among the Kazakh universities, we took 44th place out of 131. After analyzing the positions of the rating, we are ranked 4th among 7 state pedagogical universities of Kazakhstan.
In the country section of the international rating Academic Ranking of World Universities-European Standard (Belgium), we took 68th position among 98 universities that were included in this rating. It should be noted that not all 131 Kazakh universities were able to enter this rating. The purpose of the international rating Academic Ranking of World Universities-European Standard – is to assess the ability of universities to provide students with the necessary knowledge, participate in research activities, as well as the opportunity to actively communicate with future employers. Rating is processed automatically, completely eliminating the involvement of the human factor.
In the rating of UniRank (Australia) we begin our experience of participation with 76 positions out of 107 universities of Kazakhstan, which were awarded to enter the country section of this rating.
During the reporting period, work continued on filling the content of the site: a repository of scientific and other works of the University staff, information platform Gylym Info, official accounts of the Institute and structural units in the social network Twitter, Instagram, Vkontakte, Facebook, as well as the official Internet channel in YouTube.



Address: 110300, Auelbekova str.17, Arkalyk
Tel: 8-71430-7-24-88
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