Organization of scientific activities for 2016-2017

Research work at the departments of the Institute was carried out in 2016 according to the annual thematic plan of research work ( approved from 27.01.2016).
Evaluation of the effectiveness of research in the reporting period at the Institute was carried out through the annual report of departments and faculties on quantitative indicators: the number of publications, participation in conferences, the introduction of research in the learning process, etc., as well as internal audit of the organization of research.
The results of research faculty of the Institute in 2016 introduced into the educational process and are reflected in the modular curriculum specialties. Thus, the departments introduced elective disciplines in the following quantities: "methods of preschool and primary education" - 9, "Chemistry, biology and geography" - 5, "Mathematics and physics" - 4, "History of Kazakhstan and law, fundamentals of Economics" - 2, "Practical course of Kazakh, Russian, foreign languages" - 2, "Kazakh, Russian languages and literature" - 2, "Informatics" - 2, "Physical culture and sports" - 2, "Pedagogy and psychology" - 1.
During the reporting period опубликованы3 monographs, 67 educational-methodological manuals, recommendations and electronic publications, 492 research articles.
During the reporting period planned published 3 monographs - "Serdel Tertius" (Phys.N., associate Professor A. E. Disbecome. ISBN 978-601-7892-25-8, Arkalyk. Arkgpi, 2016.- To 8.41 p. L.), "the Bologna process and problems of harmonization and transformation of University systems in post-Soviet countries" (senior lecturer, master of Adilbekov, I. K. ISBN 978-601-7556-96-9, Arkalyk, 2016. – 96 S.), "T. Nurtazin and of modern Kazakh literature" (PhD.N., associate Professor B. A. Rakhmetova. ISBN 978-601-301-477-7, Arkalyk, Arkgpi, - 16P.l.)
Analysis of the effectiveness of the organization of research activities of the Institute for 2016 indicates an increase in the number of publications in foreign journals and journals included in the international scientometric database (with a non-zero impact factor).
The inertia of teachers in terms of publication activity in foreign publications has been overcome.
Publications in journals indexed by international scientometric databases SCOPUS, THOMSONREUTERS became breakthrough for the Institute.
During 2016, the Institute organized a test access to the largest scientometric databases SCOPUS and Web of Science.
As part of the strategic development plan of the Institute in 2016, more than 50 events were held, including the most significant and relevant ones:
• Republican scientific-practical conference "Tulegenov okulary" "Semenawi take rdside Bilim Bilim alohilani, Pavlodar Tirelli damytu", February 25, 2016.
• Regional scientific-practical conference "New aparaty men oldnude Bilim take mazmun naytura, Latin Ornan me erektiler", March 11, 2016.
• Republican scientific-practical conference "CSU-pedagogical Bilim berude innovasiyalar gabalawy scientific Neger", April 14, 2016.
* Republican scientific-practical conference " ybyray okulary-2016: Y.Altynsarin – Asistente siirli Bilim gysn Basta Telasi", 20 October, 2016.
• Regional scientific-practical conference "modern Imami demudi rister", September 16, 2016.
• Intra-University student conference "Mangilik El ideas -Alash silymarin tlali tugyry", November 30, 2016.
The results and results of the activities are reflected in the published collections of materials. All planned activities were carried out in a timely manner, information was provided to the MES. It should be noted that during the reporting period, the dynamics of the organization of intra-University scientific and scientific-pedagogical activities. And not only in quantitative but also in qualitative terms.



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