
Karlygash2Full name-Sultangaliyeva Karlygash Usipkhankyzy
Position – PhD, senior lecturer
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This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.: 87016623483 .87076623483

Disciplines – Teaching biology in English, Human and animal physiology, Bioresurces and ecology of Kazakhstan, Teaching methods of general biologyThe name of the direction of training and (or) a specialty – 5В011300 - Biology
Total work experience - 14 years
Work experience in the specialty - 14 years
The number and name of scientific publications - 65. Abroad – 18, international – 25, republican– 17, regional – 5.The number and name of the manuals, release date – 10.
1, Sultangalieva KU, Kemelbaeva AK, AyatovА.S. Microbiology and Virology. Arkalyk: Y. Altynsarin. ArkSPI, 2018 - 90.
2, Korazbekova KU, AyatovА.S. Biological resources of Kazakhstan. (electron reading manual). Arkalyk: Y. Altynsarin. ArkSPI, 2018
3, Sultangaliyeva K.U., Saparbekova A.A., LesbekovaS.Zh. «Plant physiology» (lecture complex). Shymkent: M.Auezov SKSU, 2017.- 99.
4, Sultangaliyeva K.U., Saparbekova A.A. «Fundamentals of Cellular biotechnology» (manual). Shymkent: M.Auezov SKSU, 2017.- 125.
5, Korazbekova K.U. «Cellular biotechnology» (lecture complex). Shymkent: M.Auezov SKSU, 2015.- 60.
6, Korazbekova K.U., Narymbayeva Z.K. «Objects of Biotechnology» (manual). Shymkent: M.Auezov SKSU, 2015.- 60.
7, SartayevaKh.M., Korazbekova K.U. ОңтүстікҚазақстанөңіріндегігерпетофаунаныңбиоалуантүрлілігіжәнеэкологиялықжағдайы. Monograph. Shymkent, 2012. – 150.

Margulan4Full name-Nurkanov Margulan Abilbekovich
Position – senior lecturer
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Tel.nom: 87781773598
Disciplines – General Geology, Geology of the basics of geochemistry, physical geography of continents and oceans , geomorphology
The name of the direction of training and (or) a specialty – 5В011600 - Geography
Total work experience - 25years
Work experience in the specialty - 25 years
The number and name of scientific publications - 16. Abroad – 3, international – 7, republican– 3, regional – 3.
The number and name of the manuals, release date – 5. 
1, NurkhanovMA,Moldrahmetova OM, Calcasieu Parish S.Ғ. "Laboratory studies on the general geography" Educational - methodical instruction. - Arkalyk: ArkGPI, №4. 26.11. 2014. C-77.

2. Nurkhanov MA "Laboratory studies on the general geography" Educational - methodical instruction. ArkGPI, №4. 26.11. 2014. C-96.
3. Nurkhanov MA "Laboratory studies on physical geography of continents and oceans" Educational - methodical instruction. ArkGPI, №4. 26.11. 2014. C-65.
4. Nurkhanov MA, Calcasiev SG. "Laboratory studies on the physical geography of the CIS" Educational - methodical instruction. - Arkalyk: ArkGPI, №9. 24.03. 2016. C-36.
NurkhanovImankulov KE «Guidelines for Selection Components of Subjects and Oceans Physical Geography» ArkGPI RUB, Aragyalyk city, 2016. ISBN978-601-7556-89-1,


Full name – Balykbayeva Gulnara Sharifzhanovna
Position  – senior lecturer
E-mail:This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Tel.nom: 87772844582
Disciplines – Natural history, general geopraphy, environmental Safety, new technologies in education
Academic degree – Master on pedagogical
The name of the direction of training and (or) a specialty – 5В011600 - Geography
Data on professional development and (or ) retraining (if any) -
1.In the period of February 2, 2015 - March 20, 2015 has passed training courses RC teaching staff together "Nazarbayev Intellectual Schools" , Center of pedagogical skills , Faculty of Education , University of Cambridge for the trainers training program among the faculty of universities in the amount of 232 academic hours , a certificate number 000016.
2. Between 12.10.2015-24.10.2015 passed refresher courses JSC " National center of excellence " for development of leading , " " on " pedagogical skills of teachers of Kazakhstan universities Improvement Program " in the amount of 240 hours , number 0128045
3, On October 26-27, 2017, the Ministry of Science and Technology of the RK took part in a seminar on "Modernization of the content of secondary education", organized within the organization of training of domestic and foreign specialists in pedagogical specialties on the basis of the best international standards in the field of management and personnel training.
4. From May 28 to June 23, 2018, he passed a professional development course in 240 hours on the subject "Modern pedagogical technologies in the VUZakh in the refurbishment of training courses" at the National Center for Professional Development "Orleu".
Total work experience - 12 years
Work experience in the specialty - 12 years
The number and name of scientific publications – regional – 1, international – 11, republican– 12, abroad – 3.
The number and name of the manuals, release date – 
1. Balykbaeva GS Education of patriotism means the museum pedagogiki.nauchno - methodical instruction ArkGPIRBB ,g.Arkalyқ , 2015 , p.58 (ISBN 978-601-7556-59-68-6).
2. HamitAZ ,Balykbaeva GS Methods of teaching chemistry and geography at the university . Methodical instructions ArkGPIRBB ,g.Arkalyқ , 2016 , p.58 (ISBN 978-601-7892-02-9).
3, BalykbaevaG.Sh., Kalkashev SG, NurkhanovМ.А. Arkalyk city, Arkalyk, 2018, page 73 (ISBN 978-601-7556-10-5).

MaksutFull name - Boltirik Maksutbek
Position – senior lecturer

E-mail:This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Tel.nom: 87014707458
Disciplines – Physical geography of Kazakhstan, Introduction to the social, economic and political geography, Landscape science
The name of the direction of training and (or) a specialty – 5В011600 - Geography
Total work experience - 43 years
Work experience in the specialty - 43 years
The number and name of scientific publications - 6.  international – 2, republican– 2, regional – 2.
The number and name of the manuals, release date – 0.

Full name- Imankulov Kenzhebek Eldosovich
Position  - Senior Lecturer
E-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. 
Tel.nom: 87783372373
Teaching distsipliny- General geology, landscape science, physical geography of Kazakhstan, Tourism and foundations krayavedeniya, economic and social geography of Kazakhstan.
Academic degreemaster
Academic status -
Name of training areas and (or) a specialty-5V011600 - Geography
Data on professional development and (or) retraining (if available) -«Өрлеу», 2014г
The total length of work-9years
Work experience in a specialty- 9 years
The number and name of the scientific works-21
The number and name of the manuals, release date-3


Full name – Amirov Maral Sapabekoviz
Position  – senior lecturer
E-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Tel.nom: 87027747255
Disciplines – Methods of teaching generalbiology, Anatomy of human, Anatomy,morphology and systematic of plants, Physiology of plants
Academic degree – Master of Biology
The name of the direction of training and (or) a specialty – 5В011300 - Biology
On improving data – 1 JSC National Center of Excellence “Orleu”. c.Almaty. 2014 y.
Total work experience – 17 years
Work experience in the specialty – 17 years
The number and name of scientific publications -26.  Abroad – 3, international – 7, republican– 16.
The number and name of the manuals, release date – 1.
1.Amirov M.S. Lecture complex "Plant and animal world in Burabai National Park". Educational-methodical manual. АргГПИ, №10. 22.04. 2015g. С-46.
Published educational-methodical and scientific works
Amirov M.S., Nurkhanov MA, Educational material of ecological education at the course of regionalization // Materials of the International scientific-practical conference "Educational work in modern higher educational institutions". KSTU, Kostanai, October 23, 2014 - pp. 119-122 • Amirov MS, Zhumabaeva SB, I believe in the future // Materials of the International scientific-practical conference "Educational work in the modern higher educational institution". KSTU, Kostanai, October 23, 2014 - pages 33-35.
Amirov M.S., Zhumabaeva SB, cradle of education // Materials of the International scientific-practical conference «Educational work in the modern university». KSTU, Kostanai, October 23, 2014 Pp. 78-80.
Amirov M.S., Baymagambetova K., reactive plants found in the national park "Burabay" Republican scientific-practical conference "Modern education system from the practice to the future". Arkalyk, 11 April 2014 Pp. 192-193 • Amirov MS, Nurkhanov MA Application of innovative technologies in education // Collection of IV international scientific-practical conference "The role of physics and mathematical sciences in modern educational space". Atyrau, April 24-25, 2014 Pp. 33-34.
Amirov M.S., Nurkhanov MA Peculiarities of application of innovative technologies in educational process // materials of the international scientific-practical conference "Science and education as the main factors of society development". Karaganda, April 25, 2014 Pages 402-404.
Amirov SS., plants encountered at the National Natural Park "Burabai" // Proceedings of the International Scientific and Practical Internet Conference "Actual problems of modern natural sciences." Aktobe Regional State University after K.ZhubanovAktobe, November 14, 2014 • Amirov MS, Saigantatarical in Kazakhstan as a biodiversity biologist // Doctor of biological sciences, Professor NurtazinSabyrTemirgalievich, dedicated to the 70th anniversary of "Biodiversity conservation and sustainable use of biological resources" international, scientific conference materials. December 10, 2016

Arystanova Saule

Full name – Arystanova Saule Azikenovna
Position – lecturer
E-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Tel.nom: 87026924071
•Floristic regionalization jf Kazakhstan
•Anatomy of the morphology and sustematics of plants
•Methods of teaching generalbiology
•Age physiology and school hydiene
•Organization of teaching - educational process 12 - year secondary school.
The name of the direction of training and (or) a specialty – 5В011300 - Biology
Data on professional development and (or ) retraining (if any) -
Total work experience – 39 years
Work experience in the specialty – 31 years
The number and name of scientific publications – Abroad – 1, international – 5, republican– 2, regional – 2.
The number and name of the manuals, release date


Full name - Zhienbay Sandugash
Position- teacher, master's
E-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Tel.nom: 87028832980
Teaching disciplines- To organize scientific projects in chemistry, the Navy, the Method of teaching of inorganic chemistry, History of chemistry.
Academic degree - academic
Academic status - master
Name of specialty -5В011300 Chimestry
Qualification, professional retraining -1
Data on professional development and (or ) retraining (if any) -
1.In the period of February 2, 2015 - March 20, 2015 has passed training courses RC teaching staff together "Nazarbayev Intellectual Schools" , Center of pedagogical skills , Faculty of Education , University of Cambridge for the trainers training program among the faculty of universities in the amount of 232 academic hours , a certificate number 000016.
length of service - 15 years
Number of scientific works (name) - 9
Number of manuals (name), date of issue - 13


Full name – Dosmagulova Kalamkul Kapenovna
Position  – senior lecturer
E-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Disciplines – Organic chemistry, Macromolecular chemistry, Physical and colloid chemistry, Computational chemistry
Academic degree – Master of chemistry
The name of the direction of training and (or) a specialty – 5В011200 - Chemistry
Total work experience - 24 years
Work experience in the specialty - 24years
The number and name of scientific publications - 12. Abroad – 1, international – 5, republican– 4, regional – 2.
The number and name of the manuals, release date – 2.
1. Masalimova BK, Hamit A., Dosmagulova KK textbook "The collection of tests in chemistry" - Arkalyk: ArkGPI, №6. 27.01. 2013. S-238.
2. «Teaching materials used in the study of organic chemistry» Decorative flower. Educational – methodical manual. ArkGPI 8.07.2016.

Full name – Akgul Kuandikkyzy
Position- teacher, master's degree of pedagogical sciences
E-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Tel.nom: 87752993490
Teaching disciplines- Methods of teaching biology, Introduction to biology, History of biology, Physiology of development of schoolkids,
Academic degree - master
Academic status - academic
Name of specialty - 5В011300 – Biology Qualification, professional retraining - November 23, 2016 - On January 29, 2016, the Nazarbayev Intellectual School of Pedagogical Excellence and the Faculty of Education of the University of Cambridge held 232 academic hours. Certificate № 0128045 was issued. Astana city. Professional experience - 14 yearslength of service - 15years
Number of scientific works (name) - 14
Number of manuals (name), date of issue – 21.International - 10, republican - 9, regional - 2.
1. Kemelbaeva А. K., BK Masalimova., KK Dosmagulova., A.Zh. Hamit. Methodical instruction "Guidelines for the implementation of Virtual Laboratory Work" ArkGPI, Arkalyk, 2011.-11 pages.2. А.К. Kemelbaeva, AB Kurmanbaeva, SB Zhiyenbay, B. Zhumagalievna, M.G.Gygeldina, AKEshilbayeva, MS Amirov Textbook "Biology Test Collection" ArkSPI, Arkalyk, 2013.-37 pages.3. Methodological instruction "Ecology of the distribution of Kazakhstan hawthornes". Арк ЖИП 2016. - page 47.4. "Terminology in Chemistry and Biology in Kazakh, Russian and English" Assisting reference book ArMPI, 2016. - 36 p. 5. "Laboratory works for 6-10 grades in biology" Electronic textbooks ArMPI, 20166АА. KembulbaevaTasbulatova GS "Physiological development of students" Lecture complex ArkSPI, Arkalyk, 2016. - 76 pages


Full name– Baigykin Galymbek Tyrsinyli
Position- teacher, master's degree of pedagogical sciences
E-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Tel.nom: 87028561310
Teaching disciplines- Сlimatology and meteorology, Socially economic geography of ТМД, Topographical calculations
Academic degree–academic
Academic status– teacher
Name of specialty-5В011600- geography
Qualification, professional retraining - 2
length of service- 4
length of service on specialty – 4
Number of scientific works (name)
Number of manuals (name), date of issue. – 0

KuralaiFull name - Hamitova Kuralai
Position Prepodavatel
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Tel.nom: 87029621078
Teaching disciplines - New Technologies in Education, Cytology, Introduction to biology, The organization of the  Educational Process in the 12-year school, Formation of research competence in biology
length of service - 19 years
length of service on specialty 19 years
Number of scientific works (name)
Number of manuals (name), date of issue.
The number and name of the scientific works: Nearest foreign-3, international-3, 2- regional.

1.ArystanovaS.A., Khamitova K. K., BaidalinaZh.Zh. «Variety of microorganisms». 90 – 92 page. RSE Republican Collection of Microorganisms» SC MES RK.Materials of international scientific- practical conference «Microbial biodiversity: Current problems and solutions» Dedicated to the 25 th anniversary of independence of the Republic of Kazakhstan. 25 november 2016г. c.Astana 
2. «Efective teaching of trilingual education» Tasbulatova G.S., Amirov M.S. « Actual problems of modern philological research». 2017 Materials of the republican scientific – practical conference with international participation. Arkalyk., 23 february 2017
3. «Development of the emotional intelligence of the teacher as an indicator of professional skill» Khamitova K. K., 
Materials International scientific- practical Conference “Modernization of natural- science education in the Conditions of the updated contents” 2-3 March, 2017
4, «Wealth of Kazakhstan» Khamitova K. K., Nurkenova A. Biological diversity of Asian steppe. Proceedings of the III International Scientific Conference ( April 24-27, 2017, Kostanay, Kazakhstan)
5.«The effectiveness of applying critical thinking technologies in biology lessons» Khamitova K. K., Nurkenova A. “Science and education – important factor of society development in modern conditions” Materials of iv international scientific – practical conference. Central Kazakhstan g. Karaganda 28 th of April, 2017
6.«Ecological aspects of Kazakh folk teachers» Amirov M.S. «Tulegenovs readings» – 2017 Materials of the republican scientific – practical conference Arkalyk., 14 april 2017
7. «ХХI century information and quality education» Amirov M.S., Khamitova K. K., Materials of the X International scientific- practical Internet- conference
«Humanitarian space of science:experitnce and prospects» April 10, 2017 Pereiaslav-KhmelnytskyiHryhoriiSkovoroda state pedagogical university.

aigerim111Full name - Nurkenova Aigerim Dauylbaikyzy
Position - Teacher, Master of Pedagogical Sciences

E-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Tel.nom: 87021814329
Disciplines - Methods of solving complex tasks in chemistry, Formation of research competence of students in chemistry, Organic Chemistry, Chemistry of nonmetals
Academic degree -  master
Academic status – 
Total work experience - 4
Specialty work experience - 4
Name of specialty -5В011200 Chimestry
The number and name of the scientific works -3
1, In 2014, in the International scientific and practical Internet-conference "Modern key problems of the natural sciences" published an article titled "Formation of research competence in chemistry in profile school".
2. In 2016, the Republican scientific-methodical pedagogical magazine titled "Pedagogy and Psychology of student" published an article entitled "Organization of scientific research works of students and pupils in research the local ecological state".
3. In 2016, the magazine "Vestnik" Kazakh National pedagogical University named after Abai. Geography Natural Science Series. The publication of the article entitled "Deepening the knowledge of future specialist through training production materials".
4. "The wealth of nature of Kazakhstan" Khamitova KK, Nurkenova AD Materials III International Conference on Biological Diversity in the Steppes of Asia. Kostanay, 2017 April 24-27
5. "The effectiveness of critical thinking in the biology lesson" Khamitova KK, Nurkenova AD Materials V International Scientific and Practical Conference "Science and Education - a Necessary Factor for the Development of Society in Modern Contexts" Karako, April 28, 2017
6. "Ecological Aspects of Kazakh National Pedagogy" Amirov MS "Tulegenov's readings" - 2017 Materials of republican scientific-practical conference in Arkalyk April 14, 2017
7."The 21st Century - The Age of Informatization and Quality Education"Amirov M.S., Khamitova.Қ. Materials of the X International Scientific and Practical Internet Conference "The Humanitarian Space of Science: Experience and Prospects" April 10, 2017 "Pereyaslav-Khmelnitsky State Pedagogical University named after Gregory Skovoroda"
Quantity and name of the educational manual - 2.
1, Electronic textbook "Chemical technology"
2, Electronic textbook "Inorganic Chemistry"

nursFull name – Salimzhanov Nursultan Umirhanovich
Position– тeacher
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History of research of the nature of Kazakhstan
Geology with bases of geochemistry
Environmental safety
Academic degree (if any) - master of pedagogical sciences
Length of service - 3 years
Length of service on specialty – 3 years
Academic degree –master's
The name of the direction of training and (or) a specialty– 5В011600 - Geography
Data on professional development and (or ) retraining (if any) –
The number and name of scientific publications–3 WAC/ Higher Academic – 1
1. «The trend of development of singl-industry mono-towns of Kostanayoblast». G-Global info-communication platformØ
2.In 2016, the magazine "Vestnik" Kazakh National pedagogical University named after Abai. Geography Natural Science Series. The publication of the article entitled " Problems of development of mono-towns(in the example of the town of Arkalyk)Ø
3. Herald tarsu of a name of m.kh. Dulati«nature and problemØ
s of anthroposphere» international science journal. «Easons for social and economic development of small towns and management»
4 Application of innovative technologies in teaching natural sciences. International scientific-practical conference «Actual problems of biological education in secondary and higher schools: innovation and practice». Almaty, 2016
5. Development trends of the tourist market of the Republic of Kazakhstan. KazNPU them. Abay, Orleu Center for Advanced Studies, Institute of Geography of the Republic of Kazakhstan, Al-Farabi Kazakh State University "Modernization of natural science education in the conditions of renewed content" of the international scientific-practical conference. The city of Almaty, March 2-3, 2017.
6. SMART CITY - smart city Astana. International scientific-practical conference "Modernization of natural sciences education in the context of natural sciences", KazNPU named after Abai, Orleu Center for Excellence, Institute of Geography of the Republic of Kazakhstan, Al-FarabiKazNU. Almaty, 2-3 March 2017.
7.  Soils of Turgai and its halophytic plants. Y. Republican Scientific and Practical Conference "Provision of Modern Science and Science: Problems and Prospects" of Arkalyk State Pedagogical Institute named after Altynsarin "Altynsarin Readings - 2017" Arkalyk, April 14, 2017
8. New technology of geography. Central Kazakhstan academy is the IV International scientific-practical conference "Science and education - an important factor of the society's development in modern conditions". Karaganda, April 28, 2017
9. Desertification is a global issue. XXX International research and practical conference "Tendencies and Perspectives for Development and Education in Globalization Globalization" Ukraine, Pereyaslav-Khmelnitsky 28 november 2017.
10. Multilingualism and diversity of cultures - osabennost. International Forum Multilingual Education: Theories and Practices. Arkalyk, 2017
11. Problems and solutions of single-industry towns in Kazakhstan. Regional scientific-practical conference on "Perspective directions of teaching natural sciences in English". November 30, 2017, Arkalyk.
12. The lesson is the quality of education in teaching new information technology. Regional Scientific and Practical Conference on "Development of Innovative Ecosystems in the CIFR-KAZAKHSTAN PROGRAM: PROBLEMS AND PROSPECTS". April 4, 2018
13. Capabilities of new information technologies in the field of "education in the system of education". International Scientific and Practical Conference "CERTAIN EDUCATION - EDUCATION AND CONFIDENCE" in EDUCATION IN "RHHANI UPGRADE" - "TUGHGENOV READINGS - 2018"

Full name – Antayeva Almagul
Position - Head of educational-methodical department, senior lecturer
E-mail:This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Teaching disciplines - Analytical Chemistry, Theoretical Foundations of Analytical Chemistry, Methods of solving complex tasks in chemistry
Academic degree -
Academic status -
Name of specialty - Chemist. Teacher.

Master of Science, specialty 6M060600-Chemistry
Qualification, professional retraining
2016 y. – Philosophy of Education in context of Globalization and European integration processes
2015 y. - International seminar "Development and Administration dual degree programs", Almaty;
2015 y. - Courses «Polymer hydrogels for medicine", Almaty;
2014 y. - Foreign scientific training, Wuhan (China);
2014 y. - Courses "The practical use of interactive technologies in the educational process", Almaty;
2011 y. - English language courses, Online Language Studio, Astana;
2010 y. - Courses "The use of modern information technologies in education", ArkGPI named after I.Altynsarin, Arkalyk;
2009 y. - Courses "Platonus v 1.0», Company «Arta Software», Astana;
2009 y. - Refresher courses "Interactive teaching methods in high school," IAS at KazEU named after T.Ryskulov, Almaty;
2008 y. - Program "Maintaining and improving the quality management system In accordance with the recommendations of the MS ISO 9004: 2000," Kazakhstan quality organization, Almaty;
2008 y. - Refresher courses "Credit system of education in higher education institutions," CAS at the KazSWPI, Almaty;
2005 y. - Winter School for Educators of Environmental Universities Kazakhstan, IAS at KazEU named after T.Ryskulov, Almaty;
1994 y. - Refresher courses in the specialty, IAS at the university teachers Al-Farabi Kazakh National University, Almaty
Length of service - 27 years
Length of service on specialty - 27 years
Number of scientific works (name)

akbope22Full name - ErmekbaevaAkbopeTontayevna
PositionPhD doctor
E-mail:This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Tel.nom: 87077706165
Teaching disciplines - Genetics, Molecular Biology, Introduction to Biology, Application of Mathematical Methods in Biology, Human Anatomy, New Technologies in Education.
Academic degree - PhD doctor
Academic status -
Name of specialty - 5B011300 – Biology

Length of service – 8 years
Length of service on specialty – 8 years
Number of scientific works (name) – 50. Foreign -14, international -20, republican -6, WAC-10.
Professional Development Information
1. 2014 UK Newcastle University "National Qualification Development Center" Orleu "JSC The Republican Institute for Management Skills and Scientific and Pedagogical Staff Training Program is a professional development program for teachers of higher education in the field of pedagogy.

2. In 2016, Russian scientific-methodical training on the basis of the Russian State Pedagogical University named after AI Gertsen, Department of Biology and Methods of Teaching Ecology, St. Petersburg, Russian Federation.
Quantity and name of educational manual - 7.
1. Shildebaev JB, Yermekbayeva AT Introduction to Biology (RUMS). - Astana, 2016. - 396 p.

2. Alpamysova G.B., Ermekbaeva A.T. The evolutionary theory. - Shymkent, 2014.- P.120.
3. Alpamysova G.B., Ermekbaeva A.T. Human anatomy. - Shymkent, 2014. -R.134


Address: 110300, Auelbekova str.17, Arkalyk
Tel: 8-71430-7-24-88
Selection committee: 8-71430-7-11-57
Call center: +77143049502