Anniversary evening of Professor Altynsarin Institute “Fate filled with life”

Anniversary evening of Professor Altynsarin Institute “Fate filled with life”

A festive evening was organized at the Altynsarin Institute dedicated to the 70th anniversary of the professor of the Arkalyk Pedagogical Institute named after I. Altynsarin, candidate of pedagogical sciences, associate professor Zinaida Shakirovna Koldasbaeva.

The ceremony was attended by Chairman of the Board-Rector Erzhan Amirbekuly, Deputy Akim of the city of Arkalyk Zhumanov Meshitbay Kaiyrzhanuly, Chairman of the Council of Veterans of the city of Arkalyk Aubakirov Tubekbay Gapsalykuly, Chairman of the city branch of the AMANAT party Tasmaganbet Sabyrzhan Nursaliuly, Chairman of the city maslikhat Eltebayeva Gulbanu Tokenkyzy, as well as representatives city department of education, colleges and other guests.
The festive evening was hosted by the Dean of the Faculty of Pedagogy and Philology, Aibek Kiikbayuly, in the form of an interview with the heroine of the evening.

The anniversary evening was opened by an orchestra led by a cultural figure of the Republic of Kazakhstan, Honorary Citizen of the city of Arkalyk, conductor Abenov Borash Kazbekuly.
At the meeting, which brought together students and colleagues, friends and relatives, video congratulations from former colleagues of Zinaida Shakirovna, who are in other cities, including in another country (Smolensk), were shown.

The arriving guests shared memories of the past and spoke warmly about Zinaida Shakirovna’s contribution.
Zinaida Shakirovna began her career in 1974 as a teacher of Russian language and literature in the Amangeldinsky district of the Kostanay region. The author of more than 90 scientific methodological works was the chairman of the State Attestation Commission of the Institute for several years.
Zinaida Shakirovna was awarded the badge “Excellence in Public Education of the Kazakh SSR” (1991), the honorary title “Person of the Year” based on the results of 2004 in the nomination “Education” (Arkalyk, 2004), the badge “Y. Altynsarin” (2008) for significant success in training and education of the younger generation, etc.
At the end of the evening, Professor Z. Koldasbaeva dwelt in detail on the issues of science and the educational space of the Torgai land and thanked the guests for participating in the gala event.


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