Seminar: “Effective ways to prepare students to write research papers”

The teaching staff of the Faculty of Natural Science and Informatization of ArkPI named after. I. Altynsarin held a joint seminar at secondary school No. 1 named after Sh. Ualikhanov of the Education Department of the Akimat of the city of Arkalyk on the topic “Effective ways to train students to write research papers.”

The goal is to educate students as individuals with developed scientific potential by developing students' interest in scientific research, developing creative abilities and methods of teaching scientific research.
The seminar was attended by the dean of the faculty of “Natural Science and Information Science” of Altynsarin Institute, PhD Alibek Eskermesuly, the head of the educational program “Geography” Sagyngali Kalkashev, the head of the educational program “Physics, Physics and Informatics”, senior teacher Anar Tulegenova, as well as representatives of secondary school No. 1 named after Sh. Ualikhanov, secondary school No. 5 named after M. Auezov, school-gymnasium No. 6 named after. A. Kunanbaeva, basic secondary school No. 8, secondary school No. 10.

During the event, A. Eskermesuly and S.G. Kalkashev made a report on the topic “Formation of students’ research skills through critical thinking” with a report “Innovative technologies in geography. Possibilities of geographic information systems in teaching school geography”, Tulegenova A.K. “Introduction of STEAM technologies into the educational process of an educational program.”

Also at the seminar, an analysis of the algorithm for students doing research work was carried out.
During the event, Altynsarin Institute speakers paid great attention to conducting targeted career guidance work, covering socio-economic, psychological and pedagogical activities to identify and develop professional and cognitive interests when choosing a profession. At the end of the seminar, the school psychologist conducted psychological expert training for the participants. Participants also had the opportunity to visit the museum named after Sh. Ualikhanov, located on the basis of the school.

Let us note that in recent years our state has paid significant attention to the development of domestic education and the promotion of science. In this regard, Altynsarin Institute, working closely with educational organizations, annually holds similar events for both schoolchildren and teachers.


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