A presentation of the Altynsarin Institute scientific centers took place

A presentation of the Altynsarin Institute scientific centers took place

On the basis of secondary school No. 2 under the education department of the Akimat of the city of Arkalyk, a pedagogical seminar was held with the participation of representatives of the city education department, deputy directors of secondary schools and research staff of ArkPI named after I. Altynsarin.

During the seminar, presentations of these centers were made by a researcher at the center “Inclusive Education” Altynsarin Institute Musirova G.B., a researcher at the center “Pedagogical Excellence” Esirgepova V.Zh., a researcher at the center “Psychological Diagnostics and Consulting” Smailova G.S.

Also, during the administrative session of educational organizations in the region, information was announced about the activities of centers providing for mutual cooperation with stakeholders and the parent community.
According to the minutes of the pedagogical meeting, the second item on the agenda was the organization of career guidance work in educational organizations in the city of Arkalyk. This provided for the conclusion of mutual contracts with schools in order to obtain a model for the provision of services by centers in higher education institutions. In particular, secondary school No. 1 named after. Sh. Ualikhanov, secondary school No. 5 named after M. Auezov, secondary schools named after. A. Bokeikhan expressed a desire to use the services of the Center for Psychological Diagnostics and Consulting.

As a result of interaction with the centers “Psychological Diagnostics and Consulting”, “Pedagogical Excellence”, “Inclusive Education”, areas of activity were presented in detail, methods of methodological support for teachers were demonstrated.


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