Explanatory work was carried out for students on the topic: “Ways to prevent measles”

Explanatory work was carried out for students on the topic: “Ways to prevent measles”

On February 1, Altynsarin Institute conducted outreach work on the topic “Ways to prevent measles.”

The goal is, in connection with the increasing incidence of measles in the country, to counter its spread, to warn students about compliance with epidemiological and sanitary requirements.
At a meeting with students of the 1st, 2nd, 3rd, and 4th courses, the institute’s medical assistant, Bekbosynova Kunsulu Ibragimovna, presented information on infectious diseases and noted the main preventive measures.

In her speech, she noted: “Measles is one of the most common viral infectious diseases that spreads very quickly through the air. If a person who has not previously had measles or has not been vaccinated against measles comes into contact with someone who has measles, the chances of becoming infected are very high. Its symptoms: increase in body temperature by 38-40 degrees, weakness, lack of appetite, cough, runny nose, sore throat, later conjunctivitis - inflammation of the mucous membrane of the eyes, redness and redness, red rashes appear on the body, i.e. from top to bottom from the head parts of the body, red rashes appear on the arms and legs.”

It is worth noting that according to the National Center for Public Health, in 2023, 29,648 cases of measles were registered in Kazakhstan. Of these, 79% are among children, 4% among adolescents, and 17% among adults. Since January 1 of this year, more than 1.9 thousand cases of measles have been registered.


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