The rector met with graduate students

The rector met with graduate students

Chairman of the Board - Rector of ArkPI named after I. Altynsarin Erzhan Amirbekuly met with 4th year students. At the site with the participation of students from academic groups of the faculties “Pedagogy and Philology”, “Natural Science and Information Technology”, “History and Art”, questions regarding the “Academic discipline of graduates” were raised.

Namely, questions were raised about students sent to complete a thesis (project), the procedure for accepting applications to assess the knowledge of teachers and the testing format, rules for working out and releasing graduates from duties or terminating their duties, procedures for final certification, postgraduate education.
In his speech, Rector Erzhan Amirbekuly shared the latest good news. “The Ministry of Science and Higher Education of the Republic of Kazakhstan, together with the National Chamber of Entrepreneurs of the Republic of Kazakhstan “Atameken”, conducted an independent assessment of the educational programs of Kazakhstani institutions of higher and postgraduate education. At the end of 2023, Altynsarin Institute took 1st place in “Employment of graduates”. This is a great achievement and proof that our graduates are qualified specialists. Now you also face a number of important stages: final certification and assessment of teachers’ knowledge. I hope that you will show your preparation and achieve successful results,” he said.
The event was also attended by deans of faculties Kaliev A.K., Konkina G.S., Eskermesuly A., head of the “Office of Academic Programs, Methodological Work” Zhumabaeva S.B., head of the “Office-Registrar” Shaymenova L.S.

During the meeting, students had the opportunity to ask questions and express their wishes. In turn, they shared their suggestions for the “Alumni Association”, “Graduation Ceremony”.


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