В Altynsarin institute к открытому микрофону присоActivists of youth committees joined the open microphone at Altynsarin Instituteединились активисты молодежных комитетов (2)

В Altynsarin institute к открытому микрофону присоActivists of youth committees joined the open microphone at Altynsarin Instituteединились активисты молодежных комитетов (2)

A meeting was held at the Altynsarin Institute with the participation of activists of the youth association “Zhas Orda,” which is part of the Center for Social Problems and Youth Policy.

The purpose of the open microphone platform, held in the second semester of the educational institution, is to discuss the plan of student associations for the second half of the year and develop ideas about the importance of social activities.

During the event, various topics were touched upon, such as microloans, activity on social networks, personal safety, good ecology, and efficient use of time.
At the open microphone, 4 speakers presented valuable information on the chosen topic and gave detailed feedback to the participants. This:
- Dean of Students of the Faculty of Pedagogy and Philology Ondasynova Aysezim;
- Zhaksylyk Aelita, representative of the literary and cultural association named after M. Dulatuly;
- Dikhanbek Aknur, head of the branch of the Kazakhstan Student Alliance;
- Bolatova Zhazira, dean of students of the Faculty of History and Art.
It should be noted that holding such an open microphone among students has become a tradition at ArkPI named after I. Altynsarin.
At the end of the meeting, student participants suggested the topic for the next open mic session as “Family Values.” We remind you that this format, in which leaders of literary, cultural, sports, discussion, leisure and volunteer movements took part, has high authority among students.


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