City Subject Olympiad in Kazakh Language and Literature
The Altynsarin Institute organized a city subject Olympiad in the subject “Kazakh language and literature” among 8th grade students of secondary schools of the education department of the akimat of the city of Arkalyk.
46 students took part in the subject Olympiad, implemented under the educational program “6B01701 – Kazakh language and literature”, “6B01704 – Kazakh language and literature in schools with non-Kazakh language of instruction” of the Faculty of Pedagogy and Philology.
The subject Olympiad is aimed at deepening students’ theoretical and practical knowledge of the Kazakh language and literature, expanding the national worldview, creative thinking, personality development and assessing knowledge of the Kazakh language and literature.
In the opening speech of a traditional competition at an educational institution, the head of the educational program, Ph.D. B.A. Rakhmetova noted: “This Olympiad will reveal professional and intellectual educational potential and sharpen competitive skills. In addition, assignments have been prepared with a special emphasis on developing students’ ability to absorb new knowledge.”
The participants were assessed by the head of the educational program, candidate of philological sciences Rakhmetova B.A., senior teachers Shakirova K.M., Tautina B.A.
According to the joint decision of the jury, the participants were awarded diplomas of І, ІІ, ІІІ degrees. Based on the results of working with the text and literary and theoretical analysis, students who showed good results and all leaders were awarded letters of gratitude.