Altynsarin Institute students became winners of the II Akmulla Olympiad for foreign students

Altynsarin Institute students became winners of the II Akmulla Olympiad for foreign students

With the support of the Ministry of Science and Higher Education of Russia at the Bashkir State Pedagogical University named after M. Akmulla, Ufa, from February 10 to March 30, the 2nd Akmulla Olympiad for foreign students was held.

Among the 138 foreign students from Kazakhstan, Turkmenistan, Kyrgyzstan, Uzbekistan and Colombia, there were 16 students from Altynsarin Institute.
The competition was held in the following areas: Russian language, mathematics, biology, physics and English. At the institute, A.R. Duisenova, A.K. Mukhtar, E. Abdrakhmanov, A.S. Sultangazy, E. Khamzina took part in the “Mathematics” direction; in the direction of “Physics” A.N.Aprelova, A.S.Duisenova; in the direction of “Biology” A.K. Tashkenbai, S.O. Shekerbek, A.T. Galieva, D.S. Seitkarimova, D.A. Kungozieva, Zh.G. Sabit; in the direction of “English language” by V.M. Tolstykina, A.R. Aitchanov, B. Sandygali.
As a result, the winners were 4th year student of the educational program “6B01706 – English” Veronika Tolstykina and 4th year student of the educational program “6B01509 – Physics and Computer Science” Arailym Aprelova. Also, two students of the educational program “6B01501 – Mathematics” Akturgan Duysenova and Ayim Mukhtar became winners, as well as a student of the educational program “6B01505 – Biology” Adelina Tashkenbai was included in the reserve list.
By the decision of the jury and members of the methodological commission, the winners and prize-winners were determined who received the right to receive a quota for budget-funded studies at the Master's program at Akmullah University.


Address: 110300, Auelbekova str.17, Arkalyk
Tel: 8-71430-7-24-88
Selection committee: 8-71430-7-11-57
Call center: +77143049502