Video “Society without corruption”, awarded by the akim
In order to promote the values of honesty and anti-corruption behavior among the population of the region, the akimat of the city of Arkalyk organized a competition for the best videos on the topic “Society without corruption.”
The competition was attended by students of higher and special educational institutions of the city and students of secondary schools, who envisaged the task of developing intolerance of corruption among young people and introducing them to the basics of honesty.
The mission of the competition for the best videos “Society without corruption” was to develop a culture of integrity and demonstrate in the video the basics of building relationships in a society without corruption.
In this direction, Altynsarin Institute students made a meaningful video and raised a pressing issue in society.
The contestants posted the video upon request on the Instagram social page @arqalyq_adaldyq_alany. With this, social media users subscribed to the video and left comments.
As a result, the video of the ArkPI named after Y. Altynsarin was recognized as the best and awarded a letter of gratitude from the akim of the city of Arkalyk A. Asanov at the competition for the best videos within the framework of the project “Strengthening the anti-corruption culture.”