Altynsarin Institute gave schoolchildren a dombra
The country traditionally celebrates July 1 - National Dombra Day. Let us remind you that on the eve of the significant holiday this year, on the initiative of the akim of the city of Arkalyk, Amirkhan Birkenovich Asanov, a kui competition of 1,500 dombra players of the city “Dombyranyn kumbiri - bar Kazaktyn birligi” was held.
To practice preparation for an event of a national nature, the Altynsarin Institute held the qualifying stage “Kumbirle dombyra”. In order to stimulate participants in the intra-institute event, which included 7 events approved in the city flash mob, a special prize fund was established by the Chairman of the Board-Rector Erzhan Amirbekuly.
In the competition, which includes 150 employees classified into 5 teams, the Saranjap group is the group's charter.
As a result, the “Saranzhap” group presented 3 dombras as a souvenir to students of the secondary school-gymnasium No. 6 named after A. Kunanbayev in the city of Arkalyk in the 2023-2024 academic year.
The leader of the group, Makhina Sarsenkul Kuandykovna, together with the team members witnessed the performance of gifted students of the gymnasium school, who glorified our national values.
The school administration and students expressed gratitude to Altynsarin Institute for the excellent manifestation of generational continuity.
The school administration and students expressed gratitude to Altynsarin Institute for the excellent manifestation of generational continuity.