A competition of scientific projects among schoolchildren was held: “Zhas Galym – 2023”

A competition of scientific projects among schoolchildren was held: “Zhas Galym – 2023”

The Altynsarin Institute hosted a competition of scientific projects among schoolchildren on the theme “Zhas Galym – 2023”, organized by the educational programs “Physics” and “Mathematics”.

The goal of the scientific project, implemented in accordance with the traditions of the year, is to increase students’ interest in physics and mathematics, develop research and project activities, identify and support gifted children.
Students from secondary schools eagerly brought topics that became the subject of research to the competition. The project competition among students in grades 7-11 was defended in an open format in front of the jury and participants. The jury, consisting of professors and teaching staff of the Altynsarin Institute, paid special attention to the relevance of the research work and the scientific apparatus.
It should be noted that 14 project works on the educational program “Physics” and 12 projects on the educational program “Mathematics” were submitted to the competition “Zhas Galym - 2023”.

Taking into account the age characteristics of students, the results were summed up for two age categories among students in grades 7-8 and 9-11.
As a result, in the educational programs “Physics, Physics and Informatics” and “Mathematics, Mathematics and Physics, Mathematics and Informatics”, students were awarded diplomas of I, II, III degrees and letters of gratitude.
Based on the results of the competition, the institute’s scientists shared educational information on the practice of scientific research and presented letters of gratitude to the scientific supervisors who trained the students.

Байқаудың қорытындысында институт ғалымдары ғылыми зерттеуге машықтану бойынша танымдық ақпараттармен бөлісіп, оқушылардың дайындығын пысықтыған ғылыми жетекшілерге алғыс хат ұсынды.


Address: 110300, Auelbekova str.17, Arkalyk
Tel: 8-71430-7-24-88
Selection committee: 8-71430-7-11-57
Call center: +77143049502