Altynsarin Institute created a pedagogical class for schoolchildren

Altynsarin Institute created a pedagogical class for schoolchildren

Based on the concluded agreement on cooperation and joint activities between Altynsarin institute and the school-gymnasium named after A. Kunanbaev, a pedagogical class was created.

April 9, 2024 for students of pedagogical classes of the school-gymnasium named after A. Kunanbaev among the 10th and 11th grades, lectures were attended by senior teachers of the EP Pedagogy and Psychology Musirova G.B., Tauekelova A.E., as part of an elective hour in the course “Introduction to the teaching profession” (grade 10) and “Pedagogical skills” (grade 11 Class).
The purpose of the organized event is to popularize the teaching profession, targeted professional and pedagogical orientation of high school students, the formation of their sustainable interest in the teaching profession, the formation of competencies necessary for carrying out teaching activities at the pre-university stage.
Works performed during the event:
- acquaintance of students of pedagogical classes with the features of the upcoming work in the chosen courses.
- for students of pedagogical classes, senior teacher G.B. Musirova gave an interactive lecture on the topic “Personality of the 21st century teacher,” and senior teacher A.E. Tauekelova on the topic “Pedagogical skill, the essence of pedagogical culture.”

The pedagogical class, opened on the basis of the institute, had an active emotional impact on schoolchildren. School students expressed a desire to continue the project, which gave new impetus to career guidance work.



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