Seminar for university press secretaries
In October, at the “South Kazakhstan University named after M. Auezov” in Shymkent, a seminar was held for university press secretaries, organized by the Ministry of Science and Higher Education of the Republic of Kazakhstan.
During the three-day seminar, well-known media trainers in the country developed a training program “on multichannel crisis communications using Internet platforms and social networks.”
The purpose of the training seminar is aimed at training employees of press services, as well as specialists who deal with content and moderate official pages on social networks, communication skills, to acquire the necessary knowledge for participants to behave and resolve conflict situations, as well as skills to resolve crisis communications using the Internet. platforms and social networks.
The speakers conducted original training sessions for the listeners. Thus, media trainer Ainur Koskina spoke about the institution of reputation and its importance in communications, the strategy for managing and transforming conflicts, and how to respond to crisis situations on social networks. Marat Sadykov spoke on the topic “How to take photos and videos on a smartphone. Fundamentals of composition”, “Basic principles of working in social networks”, Gulmira Birzhanova focused on legal advice on resolving conflicts, privacy and personal data, on the issue of copyright and innovations in legislation: the law “On online platforms and online advertising” . Diana Okremova shared information about access to information: tools, national procedures, categories of information, public interest in personal data and private life VS.
In addition, as part of the seminar, Minister Sayasat Nurbek went on a direct video call with press secretaries of universities and introduced them to strategic work in the field of science and higher education. Colleagues discussed problematic issues among themselves and drew up a media plan.
It should be noted that the press secretary of the Marketing and Communications Department of Altynsarin Institute Kanat Korkemzhan Bakytzhankyzy took part in the seminar. Participants received certificates for participating in a comprehensive training on multi-channel crisis communications using Internet platforms and social networks.