Altynsarin Institute employees took part in a large-scale seminar in the capital

Altynsarin Institute employees took part in a large-scale seminar in the capital

On May 15, the final seminar of the large-scale project “Implementation of a teacher education model and strengthening its content” took place in Astana.

The event was attended by the head of the office of academic programs and methodological work of the Altynsarin Institute Zhumabaeva Saniya Bakytzhanovna, teacher of the Pedagogical and Philological Faculty Nursali Kuanysh Sabyrzhanovich, teacher of the Faculty of Natural Science and Information Aigerim Daulbaevna Nurkenova.

At the seminar, which was attended by the Minister of Science and Higher Education of the Republic of Kazakhstan Sayasat Nurbek, the Ambassador of Finland to Kazakhstan Soili Mäkeläinen-Byukhanist, the head of the World Bank project team Telle Hailikari, it was noted that two interrelated contracts implemented within the framework of the World Bank project will be completed. Modernization of secondary education” aimed at the development of teacher education in Kazakhstan.
“As part of the project, over the past four years, more than 2,200 university teaching staff and secondary education leaders have been trained in all regions of Kazakhstan on the development of educational programs and syllabuses, innovative areas of higher education pedagogy, research-based teacher education, cooperation between universities and secondary schools ", the minister noted.

It should be noted that within the framework of this project, changes in the field of education improved the qualifications of managers, 200 teachers of pedagogical universities and 50 directors of rural schools.

In addition, 25 pedagogical universities in the country are equipped with biology, chemistry and physics classrooms. Among other things, the laboratory “Inorganic, analytical, physical and colloidal chemistry” and “Anatomy and physiology of humans and animals” was opened on the basis of the Altynsarin Institute.


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