Visit of the Altynsarin Institute delegation to Turkey

Visit of the Altynsarin Institute delegation to Turkey

From May 6 to 10, 2024, representatives of Altynsarin Institute represented by the Chairman of the Board - Rector E. Amirbekuly and the Dean of the Faculty of Pedagogy and Philology Kaliev A.K. As part of the visit, we visited the Republic of Turkey.

During their stay in Turkey, the delegation of the Kazakh university met with the leadership of three leading Turkish universities - Marmara University, Nigde Ömer Halisdemir Üniversitesi, Mugla Sıtkı Kocman University.

The friendly visit of the institute’s delegation took place as part of the development of a dialogue on mutual cooperation, which was established with these universities in 2022-2023 as part of the visit of professors from Turkey to ArkPI under the “Invited Foreign Scientist” program.
The agenda of the meeting included issues of training students as part of their internship in Turkey, as well as prospects for international cooperation through academic and scientific exchange. Also, the program of the visit of the delegation from Kazakhstan included visits to universities, familiarization with campuses, negotiations with management, a meeting with ArkPI students who are in a Turkish university for mobility, and lectures by our professors to Turkish students.

During the meetings, both parties presented their universities, focusing on priority areas of university development. Guests from Kazakhstan were introduced to the history, structure, main activities of Turkish universities, and their positions in leading international rankings. The educational and research work of the faculties was presented in detail. The leadership of universities discussed the main areas of cooperation in the field of higher education and science.
Thus, representatives of the Nigde Ömer Halisdemir University expressed interest in establishing scientific cooperation in philology. They came up with a proposal to teach ArkPI students the Turkish language at the institute. The parties considered forms of interaction that could be carried out through the exchange of students and teachers within the framework of the Erazmus+ and Mevlana programs, holding summer schools for students on the basis of one of the universities.

Also, as part of the visit to Nigde, Amirbekuly E. and Kaliev A. met with students of ArkPI named after I. Altynsarin, who are in Turkey and are studying under the academic mobility program at Nigde Ömer Halisdemir University.
In Mugla, at a meeting with the teaching staff, head and staff of the center for international cooperation Mugla Sıtkı Kocman University, Yerzhan Amirbekovich expressed his readiness for closer and more productive interaction. The parties dwelt in detail on the best practices of cooperation between Kazakh and Turkish universities.
“The main areas of cooperation include academic mobility of students, joint educational programs and other areas that serve the exchange of knowledge. Research projects also play an important role in our collaboration,” noted Erzhan Amirbekovich.
In turn, Kaliev A.K. gave lectures on Kazakh philology for students of Mugla Sıtkı Kocman University.

It is worth recalling that a cooperation agreement was signed with these universities in the fall of 2023. To date, within the framework of cooperation agreements, 8 students of the institute have been trained under the academic mobility program at Mugla Sıtkı Kocman University.
Based on the results of meetings with colleagues from Turkish universities, an agreement was reached on ArkPI students to undergo training under the academic mobility program, exchange of teaching staff and conduct joint research projects. It was decided to draw up a specific list of the most promising ways of cooperation and discuss all administrative and substantive issues regarding partnership.
The management of all three Turkish universities thanked their Kazakh colleagues for the visit and expressed hope for fruitful joint interaction. They wished them successful work that would benefit students, teachers and researchers at universities in the two countries.
At the end of the meeting, the parties exchanged memorable gifts.


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