An employment fair for Altynsarin Institute graduates “Zhas Maman – Zharkyn Bolashak Yesi” was held
A traditional job fair for the distribution of graduates “Zhas Maman – Zharkyn Bolashak Yesi” was held at the ArkPI named after Y. Altynsarin.
Promotional work within the walls of the institute was carried out for the employment of young graduate teachers preparing for 29 educational programs.
Representatives of educational institutions of Kostanay, Akmola, Ulytau regions, school directors, and methodologists of education departments took part in the fair.
In particular, the director of the Eastern Secondary School E.K. Suttibaev, the director of the secondary school named after. A. Makarenko Mukhamedzhanova G.R., director of school No. 2 Pepenzhi R.E., director of the school gymnasium named after Abai Kunanbaev Kozbagarova K.S., director of school No. 10 Bulebaeva L.K., director of the Razdolnenskaya school Kabyldina K.T., methodologist of the education department of the Ulytau district Maldybaev E.A., director of the secondary school in Yesil Shaulenov Sh., director of the secondary school No. 3 of the Ulytau district of the Ulytau region Kabiev Sh.K., director of the secondary school No. 10 named after. M. Mynkaeva Alibekov B.Zh., director of secondary school No. 30 in Karazhal, Ulytau region Aytugan Okhanovich, director of secondary school No. 2 Abylaev E.S., director of secondary school No. 8 Shubai A.K., director of secondary school No. 8 of the Naurzum district Ismagulov E. K., representative of the Akmola region Nurmaganbetova B.G.
After registration, the guests were met by the Chairman of the Board - Rector of ArkPI named after Y. Altynsarin Erzhan Amirbekuly, who shared important information about the professional training of graduates. The directors of each educational program were also present and answered questions during the meeting.
In his opening speech, the head of the institute noted: “The science and education of the Turgai steppe has long been appreciated. Our students preparing within the walls of the institute are focused on education and national upbringing. They demonstrate themselves at a high level and develop creatively during their teaching activities. Almost all of them successfully passed the test of pedagogical knowledge. We are proud of our graduates who are passionate about their profession.”
From these institutions, about 700 requests for young specialists were received for the 2024-2025 academic year. The level of demand for teachers of chemistry, physics, mathematics, English, Russian, computer science, and music was especially prevalent. The growing demand for teacher education programs will certainly have a positive impact on the employment rates of our graduates.
Thus, in 2023, according to the results of an independent examination conducted by the Atameken Research and Production Enterprise, among universities according to the criterion of “Employment of graduates” Altynsarin Institute took 1st place with 94%.
In the current academic year, more than 500 graduates are graduating from the institute.
Among them are those who study under the social program “Serpin-2050”, rural quota, holders of state grants and graduates studying on a contractual basis.
As a result of the fair, our students received job offers and active bilateral relations were formed.