The Altynsarin Institute team became the winner of the regional stage of the student sports league in volleyball
At Koksheteu University named after A. Myrzakhmetov, republican volleyball competitions of the North-Central Division of the Student Sports League were held. Teams of volleyball athletes and students of higher educational institutions from Karaganda, North Kazakhstan, Arkalyk and Akmola regions competed for the title of the best.
The closing ceremony of the competition, which lasted two days, took place at the International Sports Complex of Kokshetau University named after A. Myrzakhmetov.
In the student sports league, the boys' team, representing Altynsarin Institute, took 1st place, and the women's team took 3rd place.
Not only the winning teams were awarded, but also the best players in the categories “Best finisher”, “Best blocker”, “Best diagonal”, “Best libero”, “Best setter”, “Valuable player”, etc.
It should be noted that the national team was awarded in the nomination “Best Libero Player” to Dauir Altynay and Bolat Murat, in the nomination “Best Player Who Completed the Game” - Nurgazy Ermek, in the nomination “Valuable Player of the Team” - Abdirash Narul and Bolat Bekzat.
In addition, university rectors and their representatives were awarded letters of gratitude for their services in the development of physical culture and sports and in the physical education of students.
In the student sports league, the team was led by the teacher of the educational program “Physical Culture and Sports”, coach Kanat Bolatovich.
The winners and holders of nominations were awarded certificates and letters of gratitude from the rector of Kokshetau University, academician of the National Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Kazakhstan, master of sports S.Z. Elubaev.