The teachers of Altynsarin Institute participate in professional development programs by Finnish experts

The teachers of Altynsarin Institute participate in professional development programs by Finnish experts

On the basis of the Higher School of Education of Nazarbayev University in cooperation with the Finnish universities HAMK and JAMK, from March 11, 2024, as part of the project "Implementation of the model of pedagogical education and strengthening of its content", training on the professional development program "Leadership in Education" will be held for university employees and rural directors school This project is implemented with the support of the World Bank, the Ministry of Science and Higher Education and the Ministry of Education of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

The program is aimed at developing the competencies of 200 representatives of higher education and 50 directors of rural schools in key areas of leadership in education. Employees and teachers of the Arkalyk Pedagogical Institute named after I. Altynsarin were among the audience. By the end of the training, everyone will gain knowledge about the latest trends in education, learn to generate innovative ideas and approaches, use new technologies, develop a vision of the future, and solve problems with a focus on results.

Training is conducted in a hybrid format. It includes an online session, a week-long intensive offline training at the Higher Education School of Nazarbayev University with the participation of international and local experts Piya Kolho, Kairat Kurakbaev, Essi Ryumin, Ari Pokka, as well as a mentoring session.
The main result of the training will be work on the final project under the guidance of key experts, which involves the development of a road map for the introduction of new educational programs, adapted for each of the groups of listeners. The offline meeting of the participants of the program will last until March 16, 2024, then the students of the course will continue their education in the online format.

It is worth noting that earlier in the framework of the project "Implementation of the model of pedagogical education and strengthening of its content" 3 teachers of the institute were also trained in CLIL technology - subject-language integrated training. Experts Yarkko Lampiselkya, Anssi Lindell, Aibarshin Bolatova and Gulnisa Zhunusova conducted trainings at NU for 100 teachers from 18 universities, as a result of which STEM teachers learned to integrate various school subjects into the learning process and create an interdisciplinary and linguistic environment for their students-future teachers.


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