Altynsarin Institute specialists teach the population digital literacy

Altynsarin Institute specialists teach the population digital literacy

As part of the implementation of the state program “Digital Kazakhstan”, from the beginning of the academic year, training seminars on digital literacy of the country’s population on the course “Open Government” began at the Arkalyk Pedagogical Institute named after I. Altynsarin.

Institute specialists will conduct classes on working with the e-government portal -, and will tell residents of cities and villages how, for example, to obtain an electronic digital signature, and with its help receive government electronic services.

A plan has been developed for the Open Government course and a curriculum has been approved. Training sessions last 1-2 hours, during which time students receive both theoretical and practical knowledge. Beginners are taught how to find various services on the portal, pay taxes, fines, utilities, and obtain other necessary information. After completing the program, participants will be awarded certificates of completion of the course.
It should be noted that in 2018, in every region of Kazakhstan (in regional centers, villages and towns) courses were held to teach the population basic digital literacy skills. The training courses were provided free of charge to everyone who wanted to improve their competence in one or four skills: “Basic digital skills”, “Electronic government and electronic public services”, “Open government”, “Electronic commerce”.


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