“Student Spring 2024” has ended
According to the state order of the “Youth Resource Center of the Kostanay Region” of the Public Development Department of the Akimat of the Kostanay Region, the festival “Student Spring - 2024” was held, implemented by “Sanaly urpaq - 2050”.
The goal of the competition was to organize a set of events to develop the activities of student movements, ideas and projects in the Kostanay region.
On May 23-24, the Arkalyk Pedagogical Institute named after I. Altynsarin, Kostanay Regional University named after A. Baitursynov, Kostanay Engineering and Economic University named after M. Dulatov, branch of Chelyabinsk State University in Kostanay, Kostanay Socio-Technical University named after Academician Z. Aldamzhar, Rudny Industrial University.
The idea of the festival is based on identifying the best university teams in two areas: “Creative competition” and “Sports competitions”.
On the first day, all participants witnessed the opening of the student spring and competed in sports competitions (futsal tournament, volleyball, basketball). In addition, special games “Quest” and an intellectual game “ASU” were organized. At the end of the first day, “Open Air” was held in the Central Park of Culture and Recreation.
On the second day, participants shared their creativity at the Youth Palace. Members of the music club “Zhuldyz songs” Altynsarin Institute performed the song “Moldabai” on the dombra, the dance group “GG DOLLS” surprised the audience with their performance. And the young musician Kanat Erlan won the sympathy of the audience with his original song “Karakshy”.
Based on the results of the competition, by the decision of the jury consisting of representatives of Culture and artists, the Altynsarin Institute volleyball team took second place.
The organizing committee also awarded all participating teams cash prizes in the amount of 600,000 thousand tenge and letters of gratitude at the Gala concert.
The traditional 54th competition gave students an unforgettable experience!