Organization of scientific activities for 2014-2015

He measures taken by the management of the Institute for the development of research work are aimed at the implementation of the tasks of integration of the Arcspi into the world educational and scientific community. The program of development of research activities of the Institute for 2013-2018 has been developed.
The scientific division of the Institute includes the following departments:
1. Department of organization of scientific work and international relations
2. Museum of history of education of the Institute
3. Psychological and pedagogical complex
Research work at the departments of the Institute is carried out in accordance with the Laws of the Republic of Kazakhstan "on science", "on education", SES RK 5.03.011 – 2006 "education system of the Republic of Kazakhstan", "Research work in higher educational institutions. Basic provisions", other normative - legal, instructive acts of the Ministry of education and science of the Republic of Kazakhstan.
The basis of research work laid the enduring values of scientific-theoretical, educational and methodical process of the faculty and students.
The material and technical base of the Institute allows to carry out educational and research works.
In total, in 2014-2015 academic year the departments planned 4 monographs, 39 teaching AIDS, recommendations and electronic textbooks, 420 scientific articles. Of these, 2 monographs, 50 teaching AIDS, recommendations and electronic textbooks were published and 319 articles were published.
There is a discrepancy in the planning and implementation of the release of teaching AIDS and the publication of articles in almost all departments, except for the departments of pedagogy and psychology, mathematics and physics, History of Kazakhstan, the foundations of law and Economics where the implementation has reached the planned target and there is an overfulfillment of the plan. Departments need to work on planning and assessing their real capabilities.
The highest rate of publications of teaching AIDS and guidelines, research in scientific journals observed in the departments of pedagogy and psychology, mathematics and physics.
In General, the Institute observed an increase in the number of scientific publications compared to last year (2012-2013–406, 2013-2014-342, 2014-2015 - 371), a slight decrease in the number of foreign and publications recommended by the CCSS.
In order to activate the research in the framework of the strategic plan of the Institute in 2014-2015, 5 events were held, including: "Torgay onirin Tarikhi toponymicasy" regional scientific-practical conference on October 15, 2014; "Altynsarin readings-2014" on "Methodological and methodical problems of modern education in a small school" Republican scientific-practical conference, November 14, 2014; " Science-young!"city youth scientific and practical conference, February 19, 2015; "Khan tagdyry-El tagdyry" scientific-practical conference, March 27, 2015; "Tulegenov readings-2015" Innovative processes in the educational system of Kazakhstan " Republican scientific-practical conference, April 10, 2015
The purpose of these events is to improve the quality of science and education, education of young people, the solution of topical issues of integration of education and science. The results and results of the activities are reflected in the published collections of materials. All planned activities were carried out in a timely manner, information was provided to the MES. 310 articles and reports were included in the conference proceedings, as well as heard in plenary sessions. As a result of the events, 4 volumes of conference proceedings with a total volume of 69.41 p. l. were issued..
Teachers of the Institute actively participate in various conferences and scientific events.
During the 2014-2015 academic year, teachers and staff of the Institute took an active part in the intra-University scientific conferences and seminars.
During the reporting period, the Institute held 32 intra-University scientific conferences, seminars, round tables and competitions of scientific works. It should be particularly noted the positive experience of planning and carrying out the above activities of the departments of chemistry, biology and geography, physical culture and sports, pedagogy and psychodology



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