The city subject Olympiad in physics and mathematics was held

The city subject Olympiad in physics and mathematics was held

Altynsarin Institute held a city subject Olympiad “Bilim degen biik shyn, bakytka seni zhetkizer” for schoolchildren. The Olympiad was organized by educational programs of the faculty “Natural Science and Informatization”, “Physics, Physics and Informatics” and “Mathematics, Mathematics and Physics”, “Mathematics and Informatics”.

The purpose of the subject Olympiad is to identify capable, gifted students in mathematics and physics, to create conditions for their intellectual development and professional guidance.
The Olympiad, in which 55 students in grades 9-11 from Arkalyk city akimat schools took part, consisted of two stages. The participant who scored high on the tasks of the first stage participated in the second stage.

Note that the winners were determined individually in physics and mathematics and were selected separately from among students in grades 9, 10, 11.

The results of the Olympiad, which lasted two days, are as follows:
Winners of the Mathematics Olympiad
For 9th grade:
1st place: student of the gymnasium named after I. Altynsarina Kaldybay Shyngys Erbolatovich;
2nd place: student of the gymnasium named after I. Altynsarina Maryakov Damir Kenzhebekovich;
ІІІ place: student of the gymnasium named after I. Altynsarina Amanzhol Ersultan Askhatovich.
For 10th grade:
1st place: student of the secondary school named after Alikhan Bokeykhan Sapabekova Saltanat;
2nd place: student of the gymnasium named after I. Altynsarina Tumambaev Alikhan Nurlanovich;
Third place: student of secondary school No. 1 named after Sh. Ualikhanov Sailaubek Nurbibi.
For 11th grade:
1st place: student of the gymnasium named after A. Kunanbaev Bolatbek Ayazhan;
2nd place: student of the gymnasium named after A. Kunanbayev Gazez Zhainar Toleubekovna;
ІІІ place: student of secondary school No. 4 named after Keiki Batyr Toylybekov Asylkhan.
Winners of the Physics Olympiad
For 9th grade:
1st place: student of the secondary school named after Alikhan Bokeykhan Kaldybekova Yrysty Zhandauletovna;
2nd place: student of secondary school No. 1 named after Sh. Ualikhanov Zhakypov Ernar;
ІІІ place: student of secondary school No. 1 named after Sh. Ualikhanov Nasirilaeva Akaru.
For 10th grade:
1st place: student of secondary school No. 4 named after Keiki Batyr Kairzhanovna Karakat;
2nd place: student of secondary school No. 1 named after Sh. Ualikhanov Mukashev Akbota;
ІІІ place: student of secondary school No. 3 named after B. Mailin Eleubai Aruzhan.
For 11th grade:
1st place: student of the Eastern secondary school Ulmeken Duisenovna Serikova;
2nd place: student of secondary school No. 1 named after Sh. Ualikhanov Askar Gulim;
ІІІ place: student of secondary school No. 1 named after Sh. Ualikhanov Zhaksylyk Aikhanym.
All leaders of the participants were presented with letters of gratitude.


Address: 110300, Auelbekova str.17, Arkalyk
Tel: 8-71430-7-24-88
Selection committee: 8-71430-7-11-57
Call center: +77143049502