Conferences 2016 year

November 27th, 2015 in Arkalyk State Pedagogical Institute named after I. Altynsarin correspondence passed Republican scientific-practical conference "Altynsarinskie read-2015" on the theme "Innovation processes in the formation of research competence of the future teachers." Collected 105 scientific articles. Attended pedgogi from Kostanai Pedagogical Institute, College of Education, Astana Torgai Humanities College. N.Kulzhanovoy Arkalyk city and Arkalyk State Pedagogical Institute im.I. Altynsarin. The conference materials are traditionally released a collection of articles.

February 25, 2016 Arkalyk State Pedagogical Institute named after Altynsarin holds scientific-practical conference "Tulegenovskie readings" on the theme "Development of research competence of students in modern educational process"
The purpose of the conference: the consideration of innovative processes modern education system of Kazakhstan and the exchange of experience in educational research and practice teachers.
Conference languages: Kazakh, Russian
The conference is planned in the following sections:
-Pure Sciences
-Pedagogy and Philology
-History and Art

For those wishing to take part in the conference "Tulegenovskie Reading" is given an information letter on the link word This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

February 18, 2016 was held at the Department of Chemistry, Biology and Geography Arkalyk State Pedagogical Institute named Y.Altynsarin inside the cathedral conference "Industriyalno-innovative development strategy" Kazakhstan-2050 ": regional opportunities and ways of implementation."

The purpose of the conference: sovershestvovaniya preparation of flexible experts in the context of a society based on science and education in the region.
At the conference it was presented 27 reports.
In the implementation of the concept of development of education of the Republic of Kazakhstan till 2015 as a result of the implementation of the Kazakhstan education system change from "lifelong education" position to the position of "lifelong education dedicated to all"; interconnection and access to all levels of education; providing competitive and high-quality education aimed at the result.
At the conference, the following activities were carried out:
1. Section "Opportunities for implementation of the strategy of industrial-innovative development strategy" (students 2-3 courses).
2. Coaching on "ICT in education" (3rd year students).
3. Poster presentation: "A green economy" and sustainable development.
4. Seminar - training: "Ways of implementation of regional production materials in the teaching of natural science disciplines cycle."
The result of the 1 section of the following students were awarded diplomas 1 level Kozhantay U.K. (Ch-31), diploma Level 2 Karim Т.S. (B-41), diploma Level 3 Nabyeva A. (G-31).
The conference has attracted special interest of students work section posters. Job poster presentations was evaluated on the following criteria: technique training, scientific content, the protection equipment poster students respectively to the conditions of registration report. The best poster presentations were awarded diplomas:
Diploma Level 1 group PP - 11;
Diploma Level 2 group RCS-12;
Diploma Level 3 group H - 12.



February 24, 2016 with the participation of the scientific seminar on the topic held faculty: "Features and ways of development of research projects."
The purpose of the seminar: to provide information about the work of the research projects, improving scientific work in higher educational institutions.
The main organizer of the seminar was the candidate of technical sciences, associate professor of Kostanai State University named A.Baytursunova Kudubaeva Saule Alzhanovna. She gave information about the preparation of research projects and their features, as well as the preparation of documents for the republican grants.
In addition, the participants exchanged views on the preparation of articles with impact - factor, and research projects.
The work of scientific-methodological workshop was held at the highest level.


February 25, 2016 Arkalyk State Pedagogical Institute named after Altynsarin held republican scientific-practical conference "Tulegenov reading" on the theme "Development of research competence of students in the modern educational process"

The purpose of the conference: the consideration of innovative processes modern education system of Kazakhstan and the exchange of experience in educational research and practice teachers.
The conference was held in the following sections:

  • Pure Sciences
  • Education and Philology
  • History and Art

The conference proceedings were published in a collection of scientific articles. The conference article came from all over the pedagogical universities of Kazakhstan, such as: Eurasian National University named after L. Gumilyov, Kostanay State University named after A. Baytursynov, Kyzylorda State University Korkyt Ata, State Pedagogical University named after Sh. Kudayberdyev Semey, Kostanai Pedagogical Institute, Arkalyk State Pedagogical Institute, Arkalyk College of Humanities and school of Arkalyk.



Regional scientific-practical conference "The features and the role of new information technologies to improve the content of education"

March 11, 2016 the scientific and practical conference was held on the basis of ArkSPI: "The features and the role of new information technologies to improve the content of education." The conference was attended by scientists of Kostanay State University named after A.Baitursynov, teachers of humanitarian and polytechnic colleges of the city, teachers of secondary schools of the town of Arkalyk and regional villages. Plenary part of the conference held Vice Rector of the Institute for Science and International Relations, Ph.D. Musabekova Gulvira Aidarkhanovna.

At the plenary session, presentations were made: Ph.D. Kostanay State University named after A.Baitursynova Rakhmetova K.B. «Қашықтықтан білім беру технологиясында Moodle автоматтандырылған жүйесінің қолданылуы»; doctor PhD Kostanay State University named after A.Baitursynova Berdenova G.Zh. «Модульная объектно-ориентированная динамическая обучающая среда»; Deputy Director of the College of Humanities Torgai named after N.Kulzhanov, Muhanova N.K. «Педагогикалық колледждің оқыту үрдісінде жаңа технологияларды қолданудың мәні және оның қажеттілігі»; teacher gymnasium named after I.Altynsarin Alimgereeva G.E. «12 жылдық мектепте macromedia Flash, Adobe Photoshop бағдарламасын қолдану арқылы оқушыларда коммуникативтік құзыреттілікті қалыптастыру»; Head of the Department of Informatics of Arkalyk State Pedagogical Institute im.I.Altynsarin Almatova A.M. «Құзіретті мамандарды даярлаудағы жаңа ақпараттық технологиялардың »; Master of Education Arkalyk State Pedagogical Institute im.I.Altynsarina Azhibekova P.S. «Оқыту үдерісінде жаңа ақпараттық технологияларды қолданудың ерекшеліктері».
Meetings of the breakout sessions were conducted in areas of "Features of the application of new information technologies in the natural direction" and "The importance of innovation in the organization of teaching the humanities." The conference was released a collection of articles.



Republican conference "Scientific bases of designing innovation in vocational teacher education"

April 14, 2016 in Arkalyk State Pedagogical Institute held republican conference on "Scientific bases of designing innovation in vocational teacher education." At the plenary session of the conference with a welcoming speech and presentations were made by: d.,g.,s, academician, rector ArkSPI Seitbek Kuanyshbayev, d.,p.,s., Professor of Pavlodar State University PSU Galiyabanu Kertaeva a presentation on "Innovation in vocational teacher education: deontological perspective" ; d.,f.,s., Professor of Karaganda State University. E.Buketova Zhandos Smagulov on the topic « The most important role in the formation of individual training residents»; c., p.,s., Associate Professor, University of Zhezkazgan Zamzagul Kashkinbaeva a report "On the issue of higher education at the present stage";

Master ArkSPI, Head of the Department of Mathematics and Physics Manat Kozhakhmet a report «Department of Mathematics and Physics, scientific, educational environment, the introduction of innovative design»; Master ArkGPI, Head of the Department of Informatics Asel Almatov a report «Proper training of new information technologies and functions»; doctor PhD ArkSPI Abdrasulova Zhanna made a presentation on the topic «Innovative methods of conducting biological research in higher education institutions». Speakers were awarded certificates and letters of thanks to the Rector of the Institute.

After the plenary session was held a ceremony of awarding the winners of the student competition for the award of the Rector ArkSPI for the best scientific work in the 2015-2016 academic year. The third place of honor took three students Zhurabekova Ayauzhan, Araylim Toleukhanova, Murat Alemnur. In second place two students Almas Sarbosov, Dilda Gulden and The first place was won by a student of the Faculty of Pedagogy and Philology Gaukhar Abdimalikova.

The conference was continued by meetings of 4 sections:
1. Development of professional and vocational pedagogical education in the implementation of the national plan of the nation.
2. Education, information and communication technologies.
3. Psychology of educational innovation.
4. Modern methods of organization of educational process and management.






Address: 110300, Auelbekova str.17, Arkalyk
Tel: 8-71430-7-24-88
Selection committee: 8-71430-7-11-57
Call center: +77143049502