Conferences 2017-2018

   April 12, 2018 at the Arkalyk state pedagogical Institute.I. Altynsarina (Arkgpi) was held the international scientific-practical conference "Tulegenova readings" on the theme "Digital education – advanced knowledge and competence" in the framework of the program "Rouhani gear".With a salutatory word to participants of scientific-practical conference was made by D. SC., Professor Seitbek Kuanyshbayev.
   The speakers of the conference were: Professor, doctor of economic Sciences of the University "Turan-Astana" Urak Aliyev ("the Current state of higher education and science of Kazakhstan in comparison with world trends"); candidate of physical and mathematical Sciences, Professor of IMFI of Krasnoyarsk state pedagogical University. V. P. Astafiev Sergey Larin ("Computer animation in the teaching of mathematics»); the candidate of pedagogical Sciences, head of the Center for academic programs Academy of public administration under the President of Kazakhstan Dosym Baydrahmanov ("Digital education: problems and prospects"); Dr. PhD, head, Department of chemistry, biology and geography Arkgpi Karlygash Sultangalieva ("the Importance of creating an innovation ecosystem in education"); the Deputy Director for scientific and methodical work of school №10 Batyrkhan Karasyov ("Ways and problems of innovative culture formation of modern teachers"). The thematic discussion of the agenda of the plenary session covered topical issues of modern science, innovative technologies in education, improvement of advanced teaching methods, the role of information technologies in modern education. On the same day, the results of the competition for the rector's award for the best scientific work of students were summed up. The winners and prize-winners of the competition, as well as their scientific supervisors were awarded with diplomas and cash prizes in a solemn atmosphere. The winners of the competition for the award of the rector Arkgpi for the best scientific work of students of the 3rd course of the specialty "Informatics" Sayipov Gulnur, Almaganbetov Ruslan, Daulet Shynbolat (supervisor Samal Jamalova) received diplomas and monetary awards in the amount of 35 thousand tenge. The winners of the second place student 3rd course of specialty "History" Zauresh Allanazarova (supervisors Gulbarshin Konkin, lyailya Baibosyn, Houlihan Cinenova), and students of 3rd course specialty "Physics" Darkhan Akulov, Salem Zhumabayev (supervisor Saniya Zhumabayev) received the award in the amount of 20 thousand. The winners of the third place student of the 4th course of the specialty "History" Nazarbayev Eleusizov (supervisor Erbol of Zharmagambetov); a student of the 2nd course of specialty "Foreign language: two foreign languages" Ainur Muratova (supervisor Makpal Oskina); student of the 4th course of the specialty "Kazakh language and literature" Ayagoz Ibatova (supervisor Shakirova Katira) received the award in the amount of 15 thousand. During the conference three sections were held: 1 section - "Digital educational system in natural Sciences";2 section – "Use of digital technologies in support of human values";3 section – "Humanitarian mission of education – the basis of new technologies".

Regional scientific and practical conference "development of innovative ecosystems under the program "Digital Kazakhstan": problems and prospects»

   April 4, 2018 at the Arkalyk state pedagogical Institute.I. Altynsarin held a regional scientific and practical conference on the theme "development of innovative ecosystems under the program" Digital Kazakhstan": problems and prospects".
At the opening of the conference, a welcoming speech was made by the Vice-rector for educational and scientific work of Arkspi Nurlyhan Temirbekov. At the plenary session the reports were made by: Ph. D. KSU.A. Baitursynov Gulnara Yunusova a report on the theme "Environmental education in the XXI century"; the teacher of biology of school №4 Asemgul of Kemerovo "organization of the laboratory classes with the use of information communication technologies in biology class"; PhD Arkgpi im.I. Altynsarin Alibek Adenov a report on "the Use of information technologies in University guarantee quality education»; Deputy Director for scientific and methodological work of secondary school №3. B. mailin Murat Zainullin the report "Nature - the biosphere - the contradictions in the human system"; PhD Arkgpi im.I. Altynsarin Karlygash Sultangalieva a report on the theme "ways of realization of directions of development of innovation ecosystems on the program "Digital Kazakhstan".
Within the framework of the conference there were 2 sections on the main directions:
1. "Modern environmental problems and sustainable development of the region" moderator senior lecturer in HBG Sandugash Jianbei;
2. "Methods of innovation in the educational program" moderator Gulnara Balykbaeva, senior lecturer of the Department of KBG."Creating an innovation ecosystem is the key to great success. It allows to compete effectively and gives a chance to any state to become an active player of the global market", the participants of the conference noted.
   At present, digitalization is a strategic development priority in many countries. According to the forecasts of the world's leading experts, by 2020 a quarter of the world economy will be digital, and the introduction of technologies of digitalization of the economy, allowing the state, business and society to interact effectively, is becoming an increasingly large-scale and dynamic process.
  Different countries have different priorities in the area of digital transformation. In our case, in the program "Digital Kazakhstan"we expect the progressive development of the digital ecosystem to achieve sustainable economic growth." At the end of the sections, the participants were awarded certificates and the resolution of the conference was adopted.



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