Professional development 2014 year

The winner in the competition for the title of "Best University Teacher - 2012", as well as a diploma of European quality (Diploma di Merito) and a gold medal for their professionalism in management, production, culture, science and education became the Dean of the Faculty of Science and Information Professor Umbetov Abilhan Umbetovich .
Award "Kazyna" and "Shabyt" for the best projects in 2013 in the category "Science" were awarded:
Dean of the Faculty of correspondence, Ph.D., associate professor and Valihanov Sharidiyar Asfandiyarovich
Dean of the Faculty of Science and Information Professor, Candidate of Physical and Mathematical Sciences Umbetov Abilhan Umbetovich.
The purpose of training PPP - the formation and consolidation of professional knowledge and skills obtained through theoretical training, implementation of best practices in education.
Main tasks:
 introduction of new technologies and teaching methods;
 informatization of knowledge;
 access to international communications system.
To ensure the quality of the process of modernization of education training of the teaching staff of the Institute regularly organizes internships, courses aimed at developing professional competence, exchange of best practices. The knowledge gained as a result of these seminars, successfully used by teachers in the classroom.
It is also important to note that the communication with other higher education institutions of the Republic of Kazakhstan.
In general, innovation in the professional development of teachers is the main condition for their continuous professional growth and development.

In the 2013-2014 academic year training courses in the program of "NTSPK" Orleu "Almaty passed:
- 3 Lecturer in "Music and Fine Arts";
- 4 lecturer in "Pedagogy and Psychology";
- 2 teacher of "Mathematics and Physics";
- 5 teachers of the department "History, law and social sciences";
- 3 Lecturer "Kazakh, Russian language and literature";
- 2 teacher of "Computer";
- 3 teachers of the department "Practical rate of the Kazakh, Russian and foreign languages";
- 2 teachers of the department "Physical Culture and Sports";
- 1 lecturer in "Methods of primary and pre-school education";
- 2 teachers of the department "Chemistry, biology and geography."
Much attention in the organization of scientific research institute pays international internships, as in the period 2013-2014, the
took a refresher course in the International Academy of Management Technology in Düsseldorf, Germany, Senior Lecturer, Master of the Department of "History, law and social sciences" RE Bermagambet;

at the University of Newcastle in Newcastle, UK, had an internship Senior Lecturer, Master of the department "Practical rate of the Kazakh, Russian and foreign languages" AK Assanova;

Assanova 3  
in the UK in Norwich Institute for Language Education has undergone training Senior Lecturer, Master of the department "Practical rate of the Kazakh, Russian and foreign languages" ZH.A. Ospanova;

Brunel Business School in London United Kingdom was on probation Dean of the Faculty of Science and Information Professor, Candidate of Physical and Mathematical Sciences Umbetov Abilhan Umbetovich.
Candidate himichskih sciences, associate head of the "chemistry, biology, geography" Masalimova Bakytgul Kabykenovna take part in the "International School of creativity" Fidzhip Evrotalant 2013 "g.Parizh-Brussels-Luxembourg-Germany-Geneva.
Head of the organization of scientific work and international relations Shakenova Sagyngul Zhumagalievna participated in the seminar Student government and democratic participation in Kazakhstan Technical University of Dresden, University of Vienna, Vienna Agri Culture.
Specialist of the Department for educational work Ahmet Zheңіskhan Smanұly participated in the seminar Student government and democratic participation in Kazakhstan (seminar) Technical University of Dresden, University of Agri Culture of Vienna, Vienna.
Ph.D., Vice President for Research and International Relations Musabekova Gulvira Aydarhanovna took part in the scientific training as part of training programs Selye University in Komárno, Bratislava.
Rector, Doctor of Geographical Sciences, Associate Professor Kuanyshbaev Seitbek Bikenovich participated in the Business Week "Effective management of higher education institutions. The Brazilian experience of "Rio de Janeiro (Brazil), and was trained in the University of California, Berkeley, USA.



Address: 110300, Auelbekova str.17, Arkalyk
Tel: 8-71430-7-24-88
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