Conferences 2017 year

Interregional Scientific Conference
dedicated to the 60th anniversary of the town of Arkalyk, and the 80th anniversary of Kostanay region

September 16, 2016 in the auditorium of Arkalyk State Pedagogical Institute im.Y.Altynsarina the interregional scientific-theoretical conference on "Modern Trends of Regional Development", dedicated to the 60th anniversary of Arkalyk city, and the 80th anniversary of the Kostanay region. The conference organizers - akimat of Arkalyk city, Arkalyk State Pedagogical Institute im.Y.Altynsarina. Conference Moderator - Rector of Arkalyk State Pedagogical Institute im.Y.Altynsarina, Doctor of Geographical Sciences, Professor S.B.Kuanyshbaev.
The conference was devoted to topical issues of regional development of Kostanay region. During the conference it was discussed historical aspects of the development of the region and Arkalyk city, social and democratic rating prospects of development in the economic, cultural and historical aspects, pedagogical high school role in regional development.
To participate in the conference invited prominent figures in the region, representatives of the scientific community, the sphere of culture, business and non-profit organizations, public authorities and Arkalyk city of Kostanay region, representatives of the teaching community.
Presentations were made by: JC Makanov Candidate of Social Sciences, Professor of the Russian Academy of Natural Sciences, Aimagambetov R. - dean of the faculty of history and of art ArkGPI them. Y.Altynsarin, Romanenko VF - Chief Engineer TBRU Arkalyk city, Gapbasov ZH.G.- chairman of Arkalyk city Veterans Council, Akhmetov PA-director of the museum ArkGPI im.Y.Altynsarina, Gachkaylo SI - A veteran of agricultural production.
After the conference, the presentation of the book "Arkalyk - 60" and the documentary "enbegi eselengen Arkalyk".
The conference at the Institute of thematic exhibitions were organized: "Arқalyғym - shalқar zhyrym tausylmas", "The City in Focus", "History of Arkalyk", where guests can get acquainted with the work, the history of development of the region.


October 20, 2016 on the basis of ArkGPI held Republican scientific - practical conference devoted to the 175 anniversary of Y.Altynsarin "Ybyraevskie readings - 2016: Y.Altynsarin - the founder of secular education in Kazakhstan."

Inauguration of the Jubilee Conference held a ceremony of laying flowers at the bust Y.Altynsarin guests and conference participants.

For the first time the conference was Dr. PhD, professor at the University of St. Cyril and Methodius in g.Trnava (Slovakia) Jan Danek.


 The conference was attended by representatives of the National Academy of Education im.Y.Altynsarina: Mukhamedkhanova Almagul Keneskhanova - candidate of historical sciences, director of broadcast experience the updated content of education NAO im.I.Altynsarina, Shuinshina Sholpan Myrzakasymovna - Ph.D., Associate Professor, Head of the laboratory course -matematicheskogo education Institute of Secondary education NAO im.I..Altynsarina; Union of Journalists of Kazakhstan: Serikbai Ospanov; National University scientists Eravziyskogo ENU: Kalkeeva Kamariyash Rayhanovna - doctor of pedagogical sciences, acting Professor of the Department of Social Pedagogy and self-knowledge of the Eurasian National University, Shalginbaeva Kadisha Kadirovna - Doctor of Education, Head of the Department of Social Pedagogy and self-knowledge, Albytova NazymgulPyshakpaevna - Ph.D., Associate Professor, Department of Social Pedagogy and self-knowledge of the Eurasian National University; S.Seifullin Kazakh Agrotechnical University: Aymaқov Orazhan Aymakovich - Doctor of Chemistry, professor, scientific director of the laboratory "Physical and chemical methods of research of biologically active compounds" Kazakh Agro Technical University im.S. Seifullin; Rudny management of social-humanitarian College im.Y.Altynsarina, representatives of the executive authorities of the city, Dzhangeldinskogo and Amangeldy districts, museum workers in the region, educators, awarded medal Y.Altynsarin, as well as teaching staff in town entities.
  During the conference, carried out extensive exchange of views, the scientific and professional experience in the field of research in the role of educator of Kazakhstan the development of education, his work and activities.
 The conference included presentations of updated content Y.Altynsarin Museum, as well as the video course "Following the educator."



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