International cooperation 2014 year

In implementing the principles of the Bologna Declaration, the main international activities of the Institute are: the development of international academic and scientific mobility, creating the necessary prerequisites for the development of export and import of educational programs, the establishment and development of relations with foreign educational institutions and international organizations.
Development of international academic and scientific mobility. As part of a cooperation agreement with the University of Jan Amos Comenius, Bratislava (Slovakia) in the 2014-2015 school year 1semestre planned training 2 students majoring in "Foreign language: two foreign languages".
In order to implement the program of the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan "Bolashak" continues to study a Masters at the University of the United States of America g.Devis teacher of "Practical course of Kazakh, Russian and foreign languages" Mukasheva Nazim Hasanovna.
Establishment and development of relations with foreign educational institutions and international organizations. In accordance with the principles of the Bologna Declaration in the 2013 -2014 school year agreement on scientific and pedagogical cooperation with the International Academy of Management and Technology (INTAMT) (Germany), "Eurasian Academy" (Slovakia, Bratislava), the University of Ss. Cyril and Methodius in Trnava (Slovakia), Jan Amos Comenius University, Bratislava (Slovakia).
Arkalyk State Pedagogical Institute named Altynsarin in 2011, is one of 15 partners in Kazakhstan Tempus project supported and funded by the European Union. Tempus - a program of the European Union (EU), aimed at the modernization of higher education through cooperation EU universities and high schools.
  The main goal of the program - promoting harmonization and convergence of higher education systems in the regions with the higher education system in the EU, the promotion of higher education principles of the Lisbon Convention and the Bologna Process.
The main objective of the Tempus project - STUDIK - establishment of independent student unions in Kazakhstan, consisting of elected representatives, allowing them to organize themselves, to be politically active and play an important role in university life.
In early 2014, our institute participated in the international seminar "Student government and democratic participation in Kazakhstan", hosted by the Technical University of Dresden (Germany) and the University of agriculture in Vienna (Austria) in the framework of the Tempus project STUDIK. During the seminar, participants in the project were familiarized with the system of government in studenchekogo European universities. Students of the Technical University of Dresden and the University of agriculture in Vienna presented the work of the student government, which was a good experience for Kazakh universities and Arkalyk State Pedagogical Institute in particular.



Address: 110300, Auelbekova str.17, Arkalyk
Tel: 8-71430-7-24-88
Selection committee: 8-71430-7-11-57
Call center: +77143049502