Conferences 2018-2019 year

   October 17, 2018 in Arkalyk State Pedagogical Institute. I. Altynsarin the International scientific-practical conference on the topic "Digital technologies in education: problems and prospects" was held. The conference was organized by ZhAF., Department of Informatics.
  Welcoming words to the participants of the scientific-practical conference were made by Dr. G. SeytbekKuanyshbaev. The conference speakers were: Senkina Gulzhan Yerzhanovna, doctor of pedagogical sciences, professor, Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education "Smolensk State University", Smolensk, Russia. On the topic: “Summer School for Mathematics Teachers as a Means of Advanced Training for Teachers in the Conditions of Digital Education”; SerikMeruert, Ph.D., professor, L.N. Eurasian National University Gumilyov, Astana On the topic: "Bultta server men derekterқoryynyyymdastruәdіster_tury"; BaydalyRauanZhomartuly, PhD, Associate Professor, Kostanay State Pedagogical University, Kostanay. On the topic: “Tarihhipunderdіоқytuda қ parattas қ-communication қ technology ла қ ан» ”; Kudubaeva Saule Alzhanovna, Ph.D., associate professor, Eurasian National University. L.N. Gumilyov, Astana. Then: "The inclusion of the semantic analyzer in the system of automatic translation of the sign language of the Kazakhs"; UmbetovAbilkhan Umbetuly, Ph.D., ArcPI, Arkalyk. On the topic: "Lazerlzhnesnesandy technology"; Kalimzhanova Roza Laikovna, doctor of PhD, Arkalyk State Pedagogical Institute. I. Altynsarin, Arkalyk. On the topic: "The impact of trends in digitalization and technologization of education on students' speech culture."
   The thematic discussion of the agenda of the plenary session covered topical issues related to the digitalization of education, science and society.
During the conference, the work of the sections took place directly: Section 1 - “Digital Technologies in Teaching Natural Sciences”; Section 2 - “Application of information and communication technologies in humanitarian subjects”.
  The participants of the conference came to the unanimous opinion that the results of the conference will contribute to increasing the pace of introduction into the educational system of the positive experience of a wide range of researchers, experimenters and practicing teachers working in the field of information and communication technologies. The modern education system should not only arm the student with knowledge, but also due to the constant and rapid updating of knowledge (every three years) in our era to form the need for continuous independent mastery of them, to acquire the skills and skills of self-education, as well as an independent and creative .

On November 16, 2018, the Republican Scientific and Practical Conference “Trilingualism is the basis of competitiveness” was held at the Arkalyk State Pedagogical Institute named after I. Altynsarin.
  The purpose of the conference: within the framework of the implementation of the program “Looking to the Future: Modernization of Public Consciousness”, to consider and discuss the issues of the development of multilingualism, the preservation of the national code and other relevant problems identified in the program.
  The rector ArkGPISaytbekKuanyshbaev made a welcoming speech. He noted that the young generation, which will have to build a new future for the country, first of all, needs to rebuild its worldview, its understanding of life and spiritual values, and strive to borrow the unique experience of the older generation. One must be able to take from the past all that is valuable and unique, without losing its national identity and identity, without breaking away from its spiritual roots, from its cultural heritage.
   The following persons spoke at the plenary session: the manager of Kostanay regional project office “Ruhanizhikyru”, director of PF “Zhaydarlyzhastar” Margulan Bakir with a report on the topic “The role of the program“ Ruhanizhigyru in the development of human values ​​” Ph.D., associate professor of the Zhezkazgan University named after OA Baikonurov Zamzagul Kashkinbaeva with the report "The role of language, literature and history in preserving the national code"; methodologist of the department of education of Arkalyk-Aynur Zhumagambetov “Trilingual education is a requirement of time”; Head of the Project Office "Ruhanizakyryu" Sabyrzhan Tasmaganbet "Spiritual Revival: the path to a prosperous future."
The conference participants reviewed current problems of the state language, promising areas of trilingual education, the transition of the Kazakh language to Latin as a step towards integration into the global system of science and education.
  The conference continued with the work of the sections: "Teaching natural cycle subjects in English"; "The role of language, literature, history in the preservation of the national code, the transition to the Latin graphic-the dictates of the time"; "The development of digital technology is the main factor of modern development"; "Actual problems of modern linguistics and methods of teaching foreign languages."
  Following the conference published a collection of materials. Conference participants were awarded certificates.

Altynsarin readings "Training of competitive pedagogical personnel in the context of modernization and updating of the content of education"

     January 31, 2019 in the Arkalyk State Pedagogical Institute named after I. Altynsarin, the Republican scientific-practical conference Altynsarin readings "Training of competitive pedagogical personnel in the context of modernization and updating of the content of education" was held.
The purpose of the conference: discussion of the features of training competitive pedagogical personnel in the context of modernization and updating of the content of education.
      The rector of the ArkGPI, Dr. Sc., Professor Seitbek Kuanyshbayev made a welcoming speech to the participants of the scientific-practical conference. The speakers of the conference were: Shalgynbayeva Kadisha Kadyrovna, doctor of pedagogical sciences, professor, Eurasian National University named after L.N. Gumilev, Kashkhynbay Bayzhuman Baltabaevich Dean of the Faculty of Social Sciences of the Eurasian National University named after L.N. Gumilyov, Astana (“Bolashak Pedagogterdі ғylymi Sertteuu зs-Areketіne Dayarlau”); Musabekova Gulvira Aidarkhanovna Ph.D., Vice-Rector for Academic Work and Social Affairs of Kostanay State Pedagogical University ("Academic policy of the university in the context of the modernization of higher pedagogical education"); Kalkeeva Kamariyash Raikhanovna Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Professor, Eurasian National University named after L.N. Gumilyov (“Bilim mazmyunyң zhagyrtudyң philosophies tanylymy”); Albytova Nazymgul Pyshykbaevna Ph.D., associate professor of the Eurasian National University named after L.N. Gumilyov (“Zamanaui to the mektepka қazhetti mamandar dayarlau өzektіlіgі”); Slambekova Tolkyn Slamkulovna Ph.D., Associate Professor of the Eurasian National University named after L.N. Gumilyov (“Pedagogy of Ponin Oқytuda қoldanylatin interactive әdіster”); Kaliev Aibek Kikbaevich Ph.D., associate professor, dean of the Faculty of Philology of the Arkalyk State Pedagogical Institute named after I.Altynsarin (“Bіlіm take mazmunin zhakart - bүgіngі kүnің basti maқsat”).
      As experience shows, no matter what reforms are carried out in the education system, in the end, all of them, one way or another, rely on a specific performer - a school teacher. It is the teacher who is the main figure in the implementation in practice of the main innovations in accordance with the tendencies and principles of the 12-year education.
      Despite the fact that a student or even a graduate cannot be regarded as a specialist who has reached the highest level of professional skill, he must have the appropriate tools and tools that would allow him to improve in professional terms.
      Hence, the priority goal of higher professional pedagogical education today is the training of qualified pedagogical personnel of the appropriate level and profile, competitive in the labor market, competent, responsible, fluent in their profession and oriented in related fields of activity, capable of working effectively in accordance with world standards. , ready for continuous professional growth, social and professional mobility.
      Within the framework of the republican conference, the work of 3 sections was organized in various areas: 1 / Current status of the problem and promising areas of training highly qualified teaching staff;
2 / Issues of the use of pedagogical technologies, private methods in the educational process in the context of teacher training;
3 / Globalization, digitalization of education in preparation
highly qualified teaching staff.
     Sectional work was held in the innovation mode, where all participants were active participants in the dialogue, discussion and decision-making. All participants note an interesting format of sectional work. Moderators showed their professional qualities, competence in organizing and conducting work, skills in dialogue and management of the creative activities of teachers.
     Following the conference, an electronic collection of scientific papers will be published.


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