Professional development 2016 year

For the improvement of professional skills in order to ensure quality in the process of improving education, development of professional exchange organized special courses. The teaching staff can use the knowledge gained in the training process. 

In the current academic year, from September to December in Almaty in "Orleu " took place the following courses of teachers:
Almatova A.M. Konusova A.B. (Department of "Computer Science")
Bizhanova G.K., Musirova G.B., Kakina D.Sh., Tauekelova A.E. (Department of "Pedagogy and Psychology"), Abdrashitova R. (Department of "Kazakh, Russian language and literature"), Balikbayeva G.Sh. (Department of "Chemistry, Biology and Geography"), Kanenova G.T., Baybosin L.S(Department of "History of Kazakhstan"), Sarsenbayeva Zh.Zh. ("Practical rate of the Kazakh, Russian and foreign languages"), Sadykova B.S. (Department "Mathematics and Physics").
From 17 to 31 January in Astana were trained for trainers in training "Nazarbayev Intellectual School" following professors:
The department "Practical rate of the Kazakh, Russian and foreign languages" -Bakirova Zh.M.
The Department of "Pedagogy and Psychology" –Esirgepova V.Zh.
The department "Musical education and drawing" – Zharmaganbetova Zh.R.
The department "Chemistry, Biology and Geography" - Kemelbayeva A.K.
The department "Mathematics and Physics" – Tulegenova А. К.
The department «Pedagogy methodology of elementary education» -Duisebekova А.Е.



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Tel: 8-71430-7-24-88
Selection committee: 8-71430-7-11-57
Call center: +77143049502