Professional development 2015 year

The purpose of training pedagogical faculty - the formation and consolidation of professional knowledge and skills obtained through theoretical training, implementation of best practices in education.

Main goals:
• the introduction of new technologies and teaching methods;
• computerization of knowledge;
• access to international communications system.
In order to ensure the quality of the process of modernization of education training of the teaching staff of the Institute regularly organizes internships, courses aimed at developing professional competence, exchange of best practices. The knowledge gained as a result of these seminars, successfully used by teachers in the educational process.
It is also important to note that the communication with other higher education institutions of the Republic of Kazakhstan.
In general, innovation in the professional development of teachers is the main condition of their continuous professional growth and development.
In the current academic year in Almaty in the "Orleu" teachers have been following appreciation:- Zhienbay S.B., Kalkashev S.G. /« Chemistry, Biology and Geography»/; Kara A.B., Omarova D.K., Kazybayeva A.T., Bayken B.E., Dauletova A.S., Duisekova А.А., Ospanbekova M.N. /« Methods of pre-school and primary education»/; Esirgepova V.Zh., Buzuludskaya T.M./« Pedagogy and Psychology»/; Abdrakhmanova M.T., Zhumabayeva S.B., Dzhaketova S.D. /« Mathematics and Physics»/ Shayakhmetova A.A. «Music and fine arts»/, Edresova G.K., Zharmaganbetov E.E., Esimkhanova N.I., Bizhanova G/Kh., Orazbekova R.S., Adilbekov I.K., Tulegenova A.Zh., Aymaganbetov R.Z. /« History of Kazakhstan, fundamentals of law and economics»/, Aytzhanova B.B., Aubakirova Zh., Baydalina Zh.Zh., Oskina M.S
/« Practical course of the Kazakh, Russian and foreign languages "/, Akhatova Zh.E.
/« Informatics»/.
Also, associate professor Masalimova B.K., Master, Senior Lecturer A.M.Almatova, teacher G.Sh.Balykbayeva have undergone training and received a certificate for the program of additional professionolnogo education for graduate students universities that train pedagogical cadres razrabotnnaya on the basis of level training programs pedagogical workers of the Republic of Kazakhstan, the Center of pedagogical skills "Nazarbayev Intellectual schools" in collaboration with the Faculty of education, University of Cambridge.
Teachers of the Department of Pedagogy and Psychology Akylbekova E.A., Musirova G.B., Tauekelova A.E., Shakirov.B. completed a course of advanced training "Bobek" in Almaty
15-17 November 2014, associate professor Masalimova B.K., participated in the international seminar treninige the past on the basis of Nazarbayev University on the topic "Strategic Management at the highest knowledge: global trends and experiences," and the certificate is received.


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