Professional development

For 2011-2012 academic year the schedule about PPC  professional development is made.

Training courses in the program "Management of Higher Education" scheduled from 26.09.2011 to 08.10.12 at the Kazakh National University. Al-Farabi were A.K Kaliev - Dean of the Faculty of Pedagogy and Philology, A.U Umbetov - head of the department of mathematics and physics. On completion of the course 72 academic hours they were  awardedapproved certificates.

From 17 to 28 October at  Karaganda University named after E.A Buketov for faculty training, a course on "Theory and experience in translating scientific and technical literature." The exchange was a teacher of computer science L.M. Abdibekova.

On November 4 a preparatory work to the International round table according to the plan of RK Ministry of Education and Science on a subject is carried out: "Teacher of a new formation: professional standard of pedagogical activity, relevance, principles, contents". The purpose of this action is an actual problem of creation of the professional standard of the teacher. Materials are collected, lists of guests are made, the program of actions, the information letter, correspondence with independent foreign experts are prepared. The draft of the standard was prepared by the group consisting of 22 people. This group included scientific theorists, the educational psychologist, teachers of schools and colleges, etc. Experts participated in discussion of the project from 12 regions of Russia and Ukraine. As a result of the carried-out International round table the collection of materials is published.



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