
"The course" Self-knowledge "helps a person find himself, reveal the best qualities, do not change himself, keep his dignity and always remain a man in the full sense of the word. In essence, all the history of mankind is nothing but a constant and continuous process of moral self-improvement "

S.A. Nazarbayeva

Sites for self-knowledge 
Site address: 
Site name: Committee for the Protection of Children's Rights Section of the site: 
Self-knowledge Information: On the progress of the experiment on approbation 
and introduction of the program of moral and spiritual education "Self-knowledge"

Site address: Site title: Self-knowledge Section of the site: Self-knowledge Information: Self-knowledgeClassrooms for self-knowledge
Site address:
Site name: North-Kazakhstan Institute for Advanced Studies and Retraining of Teachers
Site section: Teacher-teacher - Self-knowledge
Information: Regulations on the Cabinet of Self-Cognition

Methodical developments. Open lessons

Site address:
Site name: North-Kazakhstan Institute for Advanced Studies and Retraining of Teachers
Site section: Creative workshop - Self-knowledge
Information: Development of classes for self-knowledge

Site address:
Site Title: Department for the Protection of Children's Rights of the Karaganda Region
Site section: A world fit for life - Self-knowledge
Information: Lessons of kindness (developing exercises)

Site address:
Site name: "The Ray of Hope" - charitable site
Section of the site: Self-knowledge

Information: Methodical manuals. Recommendations. Integrated lessons. Brochure "Self-knowledge"

Site address:
Site name: Department for the Protection of Children's Rights of the North-Kazakhstan region of the Committee for the Protection of Children's Rights of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan
Section of the site: Self-knowledge
Information: Master-class: Lessons, Classroom hours, Classroom development, Extra-curricular activities, Parental meetings

Site address:
Site title: Methodical work - Mangistau Humanitarian College
Section of the site: Self-knowledge
Information: Lessons on self-knowledge lessons
Site address:
Site Name: Single Window
Section of the site: Self-knowledge
The information: the Manual for students "Bases of self-knowledge and self-

Courses. Seminars

Site address:
Site name: Academy of Trainings
Site section: Trainings, articles
Information: Intensive training course
Site address:
Site name: The esoteric center -Aquilibon
Site section: Our library
The information: Courses of psychology, Courses of esotericism

Site address:
Site Title: Psychology of Self-Consciousness in Literature Lessons
Site section: Methodical piggy bank
Information: Integrated psychology and literature course for high school students
Site address:

Site name: History. Materials for teachers on history
Section of the site: Self-knowledge
The information: Lesson-seminar on social studies in 10 class
Site address:
Site name: Academy of self-knowledge
Site section: Studying in AC
Information: Training course on self-knowledge

Site address: http: //www/ Site name: Soroka Site section: Seminars Information: Networking seminars on self-knowledge   Tests Site address: Site Title: Online tests, psychology and self-knowledge Section of the site: Tests - self-knowledge Information: Tests, reviews, events in the world of psychologySite address: http:
Site name: For those who love tests and want to know more about themselves
Site section: Tests - self-knowledge
Information: Tests
Literature on self-knowledge
Site address:
Site name: PSYLIB self-knowledge and self-development psychological library of the Kiev Foundation
Site Section: Catalog
The information: Books
Site address:
Site name: Yakov Krotov Library
Section of the site: Self-knowledge
Information: N. Berdyayev's book "Self-knowledge"

Site address: Site name: Academy of self-knowledge Site section: Library Information: Books on self-knowledge   Articles. Reports Site address: Site name: Know yourself Section of the site: Self-knowledge Information: "Know thyself" - articles of great people
Site address:
Site title: Self-knowledge
Section of the site: Self-knowledge
Information: Articles on self-knowledge
Site address:

Site name: Category: Self-knowledge - Wikipedia
Section of the site: Category: Self-knowledge
Information: Materials from Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Site address:
Site Title: Development of personality and self-knowledge
Section of the site: Self-knowledge
Information: Articles
Site address:
Site title: Decade of the program "Self-knowledge"
Section of the site: Self-knowledge
Information: Articles

Site address:
Site name: The esoteric center -Aquilibon
Site section: Our library
Information: Articles
Site address:
Site title: Self-knowledge
Section of the site: Self-knowledge
Information: Articles about the psychology of art

Site address:
Site name: "The Ray of Hope" - charitable site
Section of the site: Self-knowledge
Information: Reports on self-knowledge


Address: 110300, Auelbekova str.17, Arkalyk
Tel: 8-71430-7-24-88
Selection committee: 8-71430-7-11-57
Call center: +77143049502