IBK ArkGPI - for school librarians

What is a library?

The library is an information, cultural, educational institution that has an organized fund of documents and presents them for temporary use to subscribers, as well as carrying out other library services.

The main functions of the library are information, cultural, educational, leisure.

A subscriber of a library is a natural or legal person, registered by the library as its permanent user.

Library service is a concrete result of library services that satisfies a certain need of the library user (issue and subscription of documents, provision of information on new receipts, references, exhibitions, consultations, mass events, etc.).

Document - social information recorded on any material carrier for the purpose of its storage, distribution and use.


   Non-periodicals are considered to be publications that are published, as a rule, only once. Only the most important and valuable ones are reprinted, but this is not provided in advance. Non-periodicals differ in form, purpose and composition of texts.

    Non-periodical publications most often have the form of books and brochures. A book is considered to be a cover or cover edition of more than 48 pages. A brochure is an edition of more than 4 pages, but not more than 48 pages, usually without a cover, in a soft cover.

    Quite often there are multivolume editions. They represent a single whole both in content and in design. Individual volumes are identified by their own numbers, and their total number is determined in advance.    A special type is a serial edition consisting of a series of books or pamphlets that are united under a common name for a specific feature (for example, by content, purpose) and are usually made in the same way.

    Non-periodical publications also include isoizdaniya, music and cartographic publications and some others. Isoizdaniya represent artistic images with accompanying text or without it. Reproductions, posters and other isoizdaniya printed in the form of separate sheets or albums. Musicians keep a record of musical works, and cartographic images - conditional images of the surface of the Earth and other celestial bodies.      The most important types of publications of works of the press are editions of individual works, collections, selected works, collected works.    Each book, pamphlet and other non-periodical publication has its own reading address and comes out with a definite purpose: it either helps in studying a particular issue, or informs about the results of scientific research, or expounds in an accessible form the bases of knowledge, etc. The target designation is the main feature, defining the features of editions of different species. Dependence on the volume, the nature of the presentation of the material, the structure and design of publications.


   Depending on the purpose, non-periodical publications are divided into official, scientific, scientific-popular, educational, vocational, reference.

   Official publications. In official publications, materials are published on behalf of a state or public organization. They are of legislative, regulatory or legislative nature. The content of such publications is directly related to the activities of the organization on whose behalf the materials are published. 

       A special type of official publications are standards, descriptions of inventions, regulatory documents, rules.     

      Scientific publications reflect the progress and results of research in various fields of science, technology, and culture. Their release is an indicator of scientific and technological progress, the main means of mutual information of scientists about ongoing research.     

     Their most important varieties are: the works of the classics of science; generalizing works on the history of science, often published in the form of multivolume editions; collections of scientific papers on the most relevant topics and problems; monographies; materials of scientific congresses and conferences.  The works of the classics of science in all fields of knowledge are published in separate editions, collections, collected works.

  Works of a generalizing nature are created by collectives of authors and most fully and comprehensively characterize the state of modern knowledge in this or that field.

  Monograph is a very common type of scientific publications. This is a deep and comprehensive study of one topic, problem, life and activity of a particular person.

  Of great importance are the materials of scientific congresses, conferences, meetings on which topical issues of a theoretical and practical nature are being addressed.   

   Scientific-popular publications characterize the achievements of science and technology, literature and art in a form accessible to the non-specialist reader. These publications are widely represented in the collections of libraries. They are intended for a very wide range of readers, beginning with those who have a training in the amount of 6-8 classes of the general education school and ending with scientists working in related fields. 

Scientific popular editions are published in large editions, diverse in content and purpose. The most common in the libraries are publications devoted to the achievements, the basics and the history of sciences; intended to help scientific and technical and artistic creativity; biographical publications. A special group of publications consists of memoirs (memoirs) and diaries.   

    Educational publications contain information from any field of science and technology, set out in a specific system. The educational editions include educational programs, textbooks, teaching aids, teaching aids, textbooks, visual aids. 

   The curriculum is the basis for studying any subject, it determines the scope, order of study and teaching of the relevant discipline. The textbook is created on the basis of the program and sets out in strict accordance with it some discipline in a particular system. Textbooks, in contrast to textbooks, contain information on specific sections and topics of the program. They can partially replace textbooks, and in some cases supplement them. Teaching aids are published mainly for students studying in correspondence and evening departments of universities. They contain advice, recommendations, directions for studying topics and questions on individual subjects. Anthologies are collections of texts and excerpts of works, knowledge of which is necessary when studying a particular discipline. Visual aids have a variety of forms (posters, tables, drawings, schemes, photographs, etc.) and aim to facilitate the assimilation of the relevant program topic.  Professional-production publications provide direct assistance in the production and practical activities of people. Unlike scientific publications, they have a different reading address. Publications for specialists of higher and middle level (agronomists, engineers, technicians, etc.) are called research and production. Mass production publications are issued for workers of various professions and specialties, who are leading in this or that branch of industry and agriculture.  Reference publications contain information (information) on various fields of science, technology, culture, located in the order that allows them to quickly find. The most important varieties of reference publications are encyclopedias and encyclopedic dictionaries, dictionaries, reference books, calendars, guidebooks.   Encyclopedias and encyclopaedic dictionaries. Encyclopedias are called reference books that contain the most essential information (detailed or brief) in all or separate branches of knowledge and practice. ("Encyclopedia" is a Greek word meaning "a systematized body of knowledge.") In content, they can be universal and branch, in structure - alphabetic, systematic, thematic.

Source: www.publiclibrary.ru/librarians/issue/sbornik13-2.htm


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