International cooperation

A certain work on the international cooperation is carried out at the  institute. In 2009, from March to April, a volunteer of the Goethe Institute ( c.Bonn , Germany) Jan Dummler held German courses for students and methodical German language course for teachers in the Department of the practical course of Kazakh , Russian and foreign languages. Students received certificates through courses Goethe –Institute  Almaty. In the same year, from September to November a volunteer at the University of Bristol (UK ) Catharina Booke, conducted classes for students of specialty 050119 "Foreign language: two foreign languages" in the English language.  November 11, 2009 at the Institute held a seminar "Development of media competence and critical thinking of students of pedagogical high school ," organized by the Friedrich Eberhard , seminar organizers were volunteers Katarina Beech and Bernd Herd .

In 2011 Arkalyk State Pedagogical Institute named after Y.Altynsarin signed the agreement on cooperation in the field of education and science with " Smolensk Humanitarian University" ( Russia ) , State Educational Institution " Smolensk State University" ( Russia ) , State Educational Institution " Tyumen State University "( Russia ) .

The main areas of cooperation :

Joint work on the creation and development of textbooks and teaching aids and recommendations.

Joint scientific-practical conferences, training seminars and teaching master classes , training

 ( including the use of interactive technologies).

Promote the training of specialists and researchers.

Exchange of publications , scientific and educational literature between the partners in the development and implementation of joint programs and projects.

In the framework of cooperation agreements conduct joint research and educational activities .

       In February 2011 there was a joint international round table on Russian friends Ll. Altynsarin on " Friendship of Peoples , since a connecting thread ." The aim of co-hosting the International Round Table was to investigate the effect on personal formation Ibrai Altynsarin Russian scientists, orientalists, which brought life Ibrai during their studies and the debt service life. The result of this work was the publication of a collection of materials roundtable .

       Teachers of Tyumen State University participated in the republican scientific -practical conference  conducted on the basis of ArkSPI in October 2011 .

       Smolensk State University professor and Smolensk Humanitarian University Senkina Gulzhan Erzhanovna , Valentina Gritsenko participated in the development of the project " Professional Standard teachers RK" as independent experts , their reviews have been published in the proceedings of the International Round Table "Teacher of the new formation : the professional standard of educational activities - relevance, principles, content , held at the Institute in November 2011 .

       Head of the Department of Social Psychology of the Smolensk Humanitarian University Valentina Gritsenko worked  at the Department of Pedagogy and Psychology ArkSPI . During the training process, she has held online lectures to students of the institute.

       At the end of 2012 signed a cooperation agreement with the Higher Technological and Educational Institute of Athens / Greece / and "Moscow State Regional University " / Russia / .

      In early 2013, signed an agreement on scientific and pedagogical collaboration with Magnitogorsk State University , in which science is conducted teacher training institute.

      Under the contract is the exchange of information of interest to the university partner , in particular , scientific research information and relevant research achievements , research and periodic materials , the development of joint educational programs , the organization of scientific seminars , conferences, internships, academic mobility of students and teachers.

In October 2013 at the Institute  invited professor of mathematics from Greece

2013 year of October, 12 at littlecomplete school a departure seminar passed on a theme "Forming of competence of young specialist of teacher"

Organizers of seminar : manager of department of chemistry, biology and geography of к.х.н., associate professor B.K.Masalimova, senior teachers of S.B.Zhenbai, А.B.Kurmanbaeva

Aim of seminar : Forming of competence of young specialist of teacher during a methodical seminar

Participants: Teachers of littlecomplete school of village East



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