Rare Book Foundation

Rare Book Foundation

The most part of the rare book's fund is made up of publications of the XIX - early XX century, transferred from the museum to them. I.Altynsarin, private collections of book lovers, from the IBC fund. Thanks to these and many other lovers and collectors of books, today's reader has the opportunity to work with authentic documents of the era, to study the monuments of written culture. The rare book's fund is more than 1000 items of storage.
     And not only editions of past years, but also modern "novelties", for example, control copies of scientific works of university teachers, collections of  books donated to the library, copies with autographs of authors. Any old book is a written monument of the history of culture.
     Therefore, the task of IBK is not only the acquisition and storage of a rare book fund, but also the maximum use in the educational process of collected books-monuments. For this, all literature is reflected in the electronic catalog in the "Rare Book" database.
     For a broader acquaintance with the rare book fund, a permanent exhibition "The Traditions of the Deep in the Deep" is open, introductory classes, excursions with first-year students, graduates of schools are organized to familiarize them with work with primary sources.
The rare book fund contains collections:
       editions of pedagogical, historical, natural scientific literature of the XIX - early XX centuries (some copies are rarities for the whole region, these are: Kant IO On Pedagogy .- M., 1896; Materials on the Preparation of Teachers for Gymnasiums and Progymnasiums. - St. Petersburg, 1865; Textbook pedagogy. - M., 1887; Malinin N. Primary School of Folk Music .-- M., 1875. Suvorov N. Medieval Universities .-- St. Petersburg, 1898)
       reference publications of the second half of the XIX - beginning of the XX centuries (Encyclopaedic Dictionary., Izd .: FA Brokgauz and IA Efron, 1892-1905, Russian-Greek Dictionary .- M., 1877);
       original editions of fiction of the XIX century;
       valuable editions of the XX century;
       publications with autographs of authors;
       Periodicals of the XIX - early XX centuries. (Sets of journals: "Questions of Philosophy and Psychology." - M., 1897, "Herald of Europe." - St. Petersburg, 1905, "Bulletin of Foreign Literature." - St. Petersburg, 1899, etc.).


Address: 110300, Auelbekova str.17, Arkalyk
Tel: 8-71430-7-24-88
Selection committee: 8-71430-7-11-57
Call center: +77143049502