Republican scientific and methodological seminar “Transformational direction in child development: inclusive environment, new approaches”

Republican scientific and methodological seminar “Transformational direction in child development: inclusive environment, new approaches”

On February 27, 2024, the pedagogical and philological faculty held a Republican scientific and methodological seminar on the topic: “Transformational direction in child development: inclusive environment, new approaches”, organized by educational programs “6B01201 – Preschool education and upbringing”, “6B01202 – Preschool teacher and teacher psychologist."

The goal is to support the scientific and educational aspirations of students, increase the level of psychological and pedagogical competence of teachers of preschool organizations in the field of inclusive education, develop skills in the use of pedagogical technologies and approaches to working in inclusive groups.

The scientific and methodological seminar was attended by scientists and teachers from universities of the republic, kindergarten teachers in the city of Arkalyk, students and teachers of the institute’s educational programs.

During the event, educational psychologists made a relevant report and presented it to the participants for discussion.
Master of Pedagogical Sciences, senior teacher Mukhanbetzhanova Ardak Abuzarovna in her report “Fundamentals, tools and practical solutions of inclusive education” examined the practical possibilities of inclusive education.

During the seminar, scientists shared their achievements and experiences on the path to science. The teachers conducted master classes and gave future teachers great motivation.


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